Wednesday, May 17, 2017


I have 2 very good friends who are members of this organization and I love them dearly.  However, I have found that unless you are extremely knowledgeable about our Holy Bible and their teachings, it is almost impossible to get them out of their deception.  They will not allow you to question their teaching and are so brainwashed and indoctrinated that I fear for them.  It is so easy to see the errors of their teachings but they are blinded to the truth.  They are only interested in converting me and if I try to prove their errors, they over-talk me.  Their final authority is the Watchtower which is full of occult symbols.  They demand you call God Jehovah.  Okay, I agree that is one name He is known by but Jehovah with a "J" is incorrect as there is no "J" sound in Hebrew.  Jehovah is another way of saying Yahwey or YHWY.  That should be the first clue.  Also, does our Heavenly Father, all knowing, really worried what I call Him?  Honestly, I feel so close to Him at times I call Him Dad or maybe I'll call Him Papa as that is what Abba Father means.

Because I was so severely abused and then stalked by members of a well-known cult, after being brought out of my deception, I promised God I'd do whatever I am led to share to help others who are also being abused by very strict and domineering "religious organization."  I cannot change anyone but I can give you sound scriptural basis for what I share.  I will never argue nor debate you on these cults.  I am woefully and willfully ignorant of the Watchtower and JW Bible.  I do not visit their sites nor am I interested in hearing your truth.  I have and I reject it.  I'm trying to help but, in the end, it is your decision.  I just ask that any comments be respectful and we can agree to disagree.  Regardless, you are in my prayers.

If you are in this organization, please do not think I am judging you.  I got caught up in 2 very dangerous cults for a year and it took about a year to get me to the truth.  The Bible is sufficient to interpret itself and they even wrote their own Bible to uphold their doctrine because the KJV doesn't. BTW, every Bible scholar worth his salt will tell you that the KJV is THE closest translation to the original text on earth.  I don't think it needs to be rewritten but rather, reread.  I also read the NKJV and it is easier to read and I read it along with the KJV and except for leaving off God and Jesus's name a little too many times for my comfort, none of the meanings have been changed.  To me, it's a great reference Bible that helps you understand verses you may be struggling with.  Get a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (under $4.00 online with free shipping) and a good regular dictionary pre-1980.  The older dictionaries include Biblical meanings of words like worship, jealousy (not what you think) and other words like that.  We think of worship as bowing down and literally worshiping someone but it means "exclusive loyalty" in the Bible.  It sets us the "no idols" commandment and tells you why.

Again, this is not to offend, judge or to cause any dissension with you.  I love you all and just want all to know the truth.  Jesus Christ said "the whole world is deceived."  I believe Him.  We all have something we believe or don't believe that is wrong.  It's my prayer for us who surrendered to Jesus Christ to be of one voice and one accord.  We all have good and bad teachings but if we listen, maybe we can come together and run off these wolves in sheep's clothing.  Yes, JW is a cult.  Please learn the truth and give the Holy Spirit the chance to lead you out.  BTW, I am against all denominations.  We are followers of Jesus Christ and He was not a Baptist or any other church member.  God bless you all.

The ONLY Gospel of Salvation....the Cross!!!

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