Friday, April 14, 2017


"And I'll cherish that old rugged cross, the emblem of suffering and pain.  And I'll cling to that old rugged cross, and exchange it one day for a crown."  (Author unknown to me).

Today is the day when most Christians begin to celebrate the life and salvation of Jesus Christ.  According to tradition He was crucified a little over 2,000 years ago today.  It may not be 100% accurate but based on the timeline, feasts, Sabbaths, etc., we are pretty close.  I take this on faith but a few pieces don't fit exactly.  One is Jesus's reference to being in the belly of the earth for 3 days/nights as Jonah was in the belly of this fish.  We've harmonized it by saying part of Friday, Saturday and that few seconds on the first day of the week counts as 3 but is that true?  I've listened to both opinions and either could be correct.  As long as it doesn't change the GOSPEL OF SALVATION, for us "Christians" to be so dogmatic on our beliefs that we cannot be open to what the Bible really says, is a bit dangerous.  Not to the saved but to the ones yet to accept Him.  While I put very little "faith" in anything mankind has to say (one day it's THIS theory, tomorrow it's something else entirely), I don't believe man is wrong on EVERYTHING.  We are made in God's image, in His likeness and God is not unintelligent, not by a long shot and, while we certainly act as if we are at times, neither are we.  Some may have higher IQs than others (mine is 167, that is high people) but all that means to me is this, I test well.  Or I guessed right, one of the two, lol.  I'm not unintelligent or incapable of learning, I just do not believe for a second I'm on par with Einstein or Hawkings.  In many ways, I'm thankful for that.  When you feel you're too intelligent to believe in God, you've crossed a huge line.  Anyone know why Lucifer fell from grace? always goeth before the fall.

I do not think for one second our salvation is determined based on what "day" we believe He died on.  We are to trust and believe with our whole heart that Jesus Christ is the SON OF GOD (fully God/fully man; eternal God and part of the Godhead and not created); that He was crucified; was buried and rose again, in body on the 3rd day, seen by over 500 and was seen ascending into Heaven after 40 days when He blew in the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentacost.  If we don't celebrate that day, can we truly call ourselves "Christians?"  I am not saying we should in any way use pagan worship and what the heck does a bunny and chocolate eggs have to do with the resurrection of my God and Savior, Jesus Christ?  NOTHING.  BTW, the candy is a whole lot cheaper Monday.   By next Friday, it's almost free.  I digressed...

It's becoming a historical "probability" that the year our Lord and Savior was crucified, there were 2 Sabbath days that week.  Of course there was the one for every Friday/Saturday but also another one, possibly an annual or other special Sabbaths that week.  IF you read the crucifixion story, you'll catch it.  However, I was not there.  I know little to nothing about the Jewish life, which is to me tragic.  Our earliest Church fathers were all Jewish.  We cannot separate ourselves and to try, well, it's to miss out on a lot of truth.  We're not "saved" by what we know or don't, what we believe as far as the rapture is concerned, or the timing of it as there is going to be a rapture.  The Bible is absolutely clear on that.  It's the "timing" we all seem to attack each other over.  Guys, the sky is blue, stop arguing over the shade of blue it is.  See, we are SAVED because Jesus Christ loves you and me so much He stretched out His arms and DIED for us.

I don't wear a cross all the time nor have them in my home.  I don't worship the cross.  It's a hard day for me today.  To be so grateful for something I despise the thoughts of...that cross... is hard to reconcile. To thankful for dying is difficult yet I am.  Admit it, it is hard for you too.  As a child I dealt with it by telling myself that He didn't feel a scratch because He is GOD.  Hate to burst your bubble but He felt everything.  This is also a very interesting take on the CAUSE of His death.  Crucifixion was and still is considered the most barbaric, inhumane, slow and painful deaths one can ever endure.  It usually takes hours and hours to die.  The thieves legs had to be broke but Jesus died I think in 3 hours.  In and of itself, a miracle.  A forensic autopsy was done on what caused His death so quickly not too long ago.  Of course this ins't factual or even provable but interesting.  He died quite literally from a "broken heart."  He died of massive heart failure due to extreme emotional pain...not physical.  Oh, He was in pain but the worst was yet to come.  Dallas Holm has a song, which I will share at the end, that says "He died of a broken heart," in it.  I never gave that much thought but read that report and while we can never lean into our own understanding, something about that feels "right."  In fact, "perfect."  I can't promise you that's what happened but I feel it.  Google search it, I'm quite sure it's not hidden or hard to find.  I'll see if I can and include a link.  By the way, unless the Bible says what I said, this is just my personal thoughts.  I am not in the business of rewriting scripture to fit anything I want it to say.  I'm pretty big on the KJV and no other Bible is needed.  I use to.  I was so grateful for these new Bibles I could hopefully understand well, all I can say is this, be careful what you wish for, you may get it. They are deceptive and leave off highly critical verses and prophetic words.  Talk about dangerous!  Oh, I hear all the justifications you're using to uphold your wanting this easier book to be okay.  I used 'em all myself and it was just the NEW KJV.  I defended it until I asked God if it was real.  I opened it to a random verse, read it from both and one word was changed and it changed the entire meaning of the verse.  I use it now as a reference Bible, great parallel verses and prophetic filled/unfulfilled stars but I get my "meat" from the best Bible ever written outside the original text.  It is the closest and technically inerrant and infallible. William Tyndale did a wonderful job and was killed for giving us our Bible.  But....

He rose again, just like He promised.  No doubt and because He did, we are heirs to the promises given to Israel.  Thank God for them.  Do not separate yourselves from the Jews, thinking more highly of yourself than you ought.  

As Paul said to the Galatians...We are neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female but ONE in Christ Jesus!  

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Dear Jesus, thank you for dying for me, for loving and saving me.  I know it hurt a lot but to you, it was "just a little bit."  Love won that day and forever will.  Thank You for Your grace, which saves me.  I am nothing more than a grain of sand in this great big world but when I talk to you, no one else matters to you but me.  THAT'S THE POWER AND GLORY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.  I am oh, so blessed!  Amen!

Plan of Salvation According to Christ Jesus...

First Corinthians 15:1-11 but especially verses 1-4

ALL we are to do to be saved is to TRUST AND BELIEVE with your whole heart, mind, body and strength that...

"For God SO loved the word that He gave His ONLY begotten Son so that whosoever (ALL INCLUSIVE) believeth in Him should NOT perish but have everlasting Life.  For God sent His Son into the world not to condemn the world but that through Him, the world might be saved."  John 3:16-17

"For ye are saved by GRACE, through Faith and NOT of yourselves.  It is a GIFT OF GOD.  Not of works (nor deeds) lest ANY MAN should boast."  Ephesians 2:8-9

(In reference to baptism, not salvation) in Acts 8:37..."If thou believest with thy whole heart that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, thou mayest."  Acts 8:37 and this is especially important that in YOUR Bible that the words "Jesus Christ is Lord" is expressly written as I stated (God's words, not mine) then you must admit IF you believe the rest of the Bible is truth, that the Bible you are reading is a false Bible.  In Revelation we are strongly warned not to add to or leave off scripture.  I think (but not sure) 3 woes are given to man who does this.  When YHWH says something once, He means it.  When He says it twice, you're being warned.  If He says it 3 times or more, well, let's just say He is NOT playing around with you.  He never is but some things are worse than others in His eyes.  We can sin unknowingly, we can and will sin willfully and be corrected but to add to His Word would be like me leading a blind man to the edge of the grand canyon and walking away.  He's stuck and on a slippery slope.  One wrong word and you may have cost him/her 

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