Monday, April 24, 2017


Please forgive my lapse of not posting my usual blog posts tomorrow, I'll make up for it tomorrow.  I'm reading a very interesting book that I plan on sharing with you once I'm done.  It's called "What's So Great About Christianity," by Dinesh D'Souza and about his case for God.  His tactics are different, he used their language to prove their lies.  It's kinda funny but not one tad bit self-righteous nor does he "hawk" this book as many "men of God" do today.  He makes references to scripture but doesn't quote them (at least so far he hasn't) and I can tell you this, it made my husband start to truly believe in God.  There's still a Spiritual battle going on with him but I'm going to keep silent for a few weeks. I tend to get overly Spiritual and he tunes me out.  I'm seeing signs (of him, NOT revelations or signs from God but probably the Holy Spirit is leading me) of when to talk, AND....when to stop stop. However, I got this on a share and as I suspected, my wi-fi headphone battery went out so I haven't been able to listen to it all.  I do like what I've heard and as always, LEARN TO DISCERN.  Remember this this, this is about future events.  We cannot know anything for sure yet.  We can, at best, go by patterns, prophet words, and we can each day gain more and more knowledge.  Prophecy is not about "telling the future" or a crystal ball to gaze into.  Prophetic events started on the day of the death of Christ Jesus.  It's given so that the Bible is proven inerrant and infallible to every generation.  Are we the final one?  I'd say if mine isn't, my children's one is.  I am NOT a prophet, do not go near the occult and I do not date set, even at gunpoint.  I have a theory about when He's returning based a lot on what we are using to communicate right now...the internet.  The explosion of secular and Spiritual knowledge.  We are unique, different from any other generation before us.  Holograms, technology, CERN, space travel, astronomy, science, undeniable facts about the birth and death of Christ Jesus.  The list is endless.  Atheism is the NEW religion and guess what's faith-based 100%!  They have an agenda and I was a very unwilling partner in it...destruction of the family.  That is their #1 goal and to forbid children from being taught ANY religion in ANY form from Muslim to Judaism, Bhuddism and most of all, Christianity.  We are THE most hated of all.  Notice it's anti-CHRIST, not anti-God.  Man thinks he is god.  So atheists, excuse my language but you're a liar and full of pig crap.  You are a faith-based "religion."  Read the book, you'll be utterly stunned.  Mr. D'Souza was born Christian (name only really until he moved here) when his faith took off.  He is, of all things to be, a politician.  Yep, surprised me too.  Well respected and check out his YouTube debate with the late atheist and well-known hater of Christians in particular, Christopher Hitchens (or Hutchins, I forget).  Great debate.  

I'm sharing this video for any who want to watch it.  IF you see anything "false" in it, please let me know.  I've started screening videos by people I am not familiar with but every now and again, we have to take a leap of faith.  God bless and enjoy!


First Corinthians 15:1-11

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