Sunday, November 6, 2016


I made a decision not to post many political posts on here as my Christian-Conservative F/B page is ALL about politics, so much so that until this election is over, I rarely even go there except to try to convince people to vote for Biblical principles, for our freedoms and to truly make America "great again," we MUST make Almighty God, the only Living God, to be who reigns over us.  My dear grandmother, who I thank Him for many times, raised me in church and she knew things I still have no idea how she knew yet they came to pass.  At 16 she dropped out of school and was only in the 5th grade due to her family moving back and forth from America to Canada to find work.  This was during the Great Depression.  They kept putting her in a grade lower each time.  She was intelligent and wise, just uneducated.  When they took prayer out of school, she told me that within my lifetime, my generation, God would never longer be our God.  We would be a secular nation.  Roe vs. Wade broke her heart.  

However, this will be my final post to beg you to vote for the best person who has a reasonable chance of winning that will uphold and honor the laws of God.  Trump is not our Savior, we already have one and His Name is Christ Jesus.  PLEASE let your voice be heard and make it count.  Trust God and if you want a good Biblical answer to who you should vote for (now this is sort of just how I made my choice...well, that is not true but it didn't hurt as I was never a big Trump supporter.  I wanted Ted Cruz.  I'd be very happy if somehow he does win (it will be one of the two...write-in votes will be thrown away), but that is not going to happen.  No write-in vote will help and will only help Hillary Clinton win. 

In Genesis, Cain (Kaine) killed his brother.  In the last book, we hear the Trump of God.  That awesome book has many mysteries and could He be telling us in His Word exactly what to do? It's just a random thought.

Here are a few facts...Trump is pro-life...she is pro-choice even up to delivery; she will use our taxes to fund abortions and transgender operations, thereby making us condone and even pay for things that our against our beliefs; she wants Sharia Law; she wants women to have superiority over men and to force churches and other Judeo-Christian churches to perform gay marriages and allow them into the ministry.  Her VP choice is even going after, of all things, the Roman Catholic Church, on these issues.  We need to grow and change with the world.  NO WE DON'T.  We change...God does not!  If we compromise His Word, we cannot serve Him.  Man or God...your choice.

Your vote matters and please, trust his outward confession of faith.  Encourage and support our new brother in Christ Jesus regardless of the outcome of this election.  God is sovereign and can change anyone...even Hillary Clinton.  God bless and please pray and ask Him what HE wants and leave yourself out of it.  God's will is going to be done!  Let's be a part of something good cos I am tired of evil being called good and good being called evil; nor do I want us to be given completely over to a reprobate mind.  God bless and let America now that God is real.

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