Sunday, November 6, 2016


By: Brenda Alexander

I just want to share an observation I've found to be true in my life.  When I finally gave up trying to make this mess I called "my life" work on my own and surrendered it to Jesus Christ, I'm not sure what I expected.  I guess I thought my life would get harder in a few ways, like I'd lose some friends but I'd gain better ones.  I guess I also thought I'd be somehow "protected" from satan and while it wouldn't be easy, of course I would be able to overcome ALL my sinful behavior at least as much as anyone can in this earthly body.  I guess I expected Him to DO IT ALL.  

The very first verse I memorized was Romans 8:28 which says, "For as we know, ALL things work to the good, to those who love the Lord, and are called according to His purposes."  Now I also guess I thought that somehow meant that ALL THINGS would be "good things."  Well, one thing I learned very quickly is that He means exactly what He says.  He cannot lie and those "ALL THINGS" are very often really "bad things."  We will go through pure hell on earth at times.

The enemy (satan) wants you to think that having sexual relationships with whoever you wish isn't sinful because God gifted us with that as a beautiful way for a man and woman to become "one" in marriage.  It's fine to tell little lies because you're just trying to keep from hurting someone's feelings or you don't want to get yelled at.  It's not stealing to take office supplies home from work or "forget" to clock out for lunch.  You work so hard and they don't pay you enough anyway.  Just think of all the "five minutes" you've worked over and didn't get paid for.  Cursing and swearing are just words and words don't hurt.  Worst of all, it's fine to tell everyone your best friend's secrets because they won't know it came from you and who is it hurting anyway?  

The truth is, gossiping is one of THE worst things you can do to another person.  Each time the story is told, a bit more is added (or left off, depending on which is juicier) until what you said is nowhere near the truth.  It can lead to broken marriages, trust issues, ruined reputations, lost jobs or promotions, and it can even lead to murder.  No true friend gossips. In the end, you will be the one who is made to look bad once the dust has settled.  The Bible strongly warns against such things.  

People will gossip about you, will mock and ridicule you, and point out every single thing you do wrong.  Light and darkness cannot co-exist and the sinners love the dark.  Your light will shine the light on their sins and people don't like this.  Even strangers will see this and treat you horribly. You will not understand.  It's confusing, especially when you know you did nothing wrong or hurtful.  The enemy wants you to give up.  However, he only has as much power as you allow him to have in your life.

So, why do bad things happen to us?  It seems we get more than our fair share of suffering. As far as my life is concerned, in order to grow and mature in Christ Jesus, we have lessons to learn. God will allow us enough rope to almost hang ourselves with and then He reels us back in.  He is our Father and the best one ever!  He loves you but sometimes He has to use "tough love" on us. Somehow though, after that trial is over, you will realize you learned something of REAL value.  It may be how important it is to forgive others or yourself.  It may be about learning self-control, patience or why you shouldn't judge others but you can trust and know that when He said ALL things work to the good, He means it.  He will take the most painful situation and one day, something awesome or even almost miraculous will occur and you will know at once that if that bad thing you went through had not happened, His greatness and amazing love and whatever amazing thing happens could NEVER have occurred unless you first endured that trial.  I found that out Thursday, 4 or so months later, because of a pizza...of all things...a pizza I bought to say thank you literally answered a prayer I had just asked of God.  I suddenly, after 4 years of refusing to ever attend another man-made church again, felt this desperate desire to find one.  I had went to a few but they were more social gatherings than spreading the Gospel.  The sermon felt like a "necessity" to do before they could go out for ice cream, or an excuse.  I didn't feel the Spirit of God except in one young man.  

I'm not a fan of asking God for signs as He doesn't need to prove anything to me but instead of listing what I wanted in a church, I asked Him where did He want me to be, where could my few talents be best used.  Well, God also has an amazing sense of humor and I met a pastor who are looking for a church.  Here's my card. We need you.  How I met him was because I stopped and told him to go grab a slice of pizza.  He and another very nice employee asked me why I did that and they knew who I was.  I guess it was a rare thing that everyone involved in that injustice to me (of all people), stood up FOR me against the manager.  Word does get around but it wasn't gossip!  They were inspired.  Now I don't know how he just knew I was desperate for a church but he did. I asked and he said it was because the Holy Spirit let him know and I imagine he knew how to hear that still, small voice and how important it really is to just obey without worrying or questioning the orders. 

Miraculous?  To me it sure feels like a miracle, especially since I had just been healed, within an hour, of a depression that had overtaken me that was so bad, I thought I'd never feel happy, joyous, or hopeful ever again.  That happened on Tuesday (or Monday, I am not 100% sure which day).  It affected every aspect of my life.  I worked on my blog, prayed, listened to sermons, etc. but I didn't feel anything but sad.  I cried all the time and even worried that somehow God rejected me!  In my heart I knew He never will but the enemy uses our minds to convince us of many lies.  After prayer, it was gone.  Not a shred of my depression was left and I felt a peace and excitement to go to the store just to get out of the house...I hadn't felt in a long time.  We learn to hide our negative feelings.  I'm sure no one had a clue what I was truly dealing with.  There is no possible answer except divine intervention.  Am I happy every single minute?  No, but I have normal and reasonable emotions.  I feel human again. I am especially now at peace all the time, no more fear and anxiety, afraid somehow that God has left me.  

Looking back, had I never had the issue to begin with, I may never had met my new pastor and found a church that needs me for His glory.  I am here to serve and sacrifice.  I didn't know why that happened to me.  I don't know what made me call the next day to get it fixed as I felt humiliated, nor why I felt to wait to buy the pizza.  I do now.  It's not my plans or my needs, it is all about Him.  What does He want us to do?  How can we best serve our fellow humans who may not know about His AMAZING GRACE?  It's all about His will for us.

Now, for a funny "bad" thing that happened.  My cat went a little crazy the other night and knocked our equally crazy printer into the floor.  It kept saying we had a paper jam and wouldn't work.  Well, my crazy cat fixed the problem by chasing some imaginary bug, lol.  Now we have a working printer!  So just remember that when bad things happen, it WILL work to the good, even if that GOOD is meant for someone else!  God is amazing!  Spread the word.

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