Tuesday, April 3, 2018


I'm not sure if you're aware but there's a lot of information on the internet that our beloved Apostle Paul is a false prophet.  Let me assure you that this is not the case.  For one, the Bible is inerrant and infallible.  If Paul is a false prophet, then we can no longer say that.  The Bible says ALL scripture is sufficient...(sorry, I don't know the rest of the verse) and that's stated by Peter.  In fact, while at first the original Apostles were afraid of Paul because of his persecution of the church, eventually they accepted him.  Peter even warns us that many will twist and mistranslate what Paul says.

Second, it comes from Islamics, Hebrew Roots and the Kabbalah, which is a form of the occult and sorcery in Judaism.  So consider the source and notice that it's only now this is coming to light.  No one ever thought Paul was a false prophet for 2,000 years.  I'm quite sure that the early Church fathers, who were meticulous while translating the Canon, would have not included Paul's writings if they had one shred of doubt.  Those making this claim usually refer to gnostic gospels written 100s of years after the time of Jesus.  

If we take out Paul, we are back under the Levitical laws, animal sacrifice and Jesus Christ never had to die for our sins.  Paul even addresses this issue.  Jesus Christ chose Paul after He rose into Heaven because to preach the Cross before that would not have been understood.  It was a Mystery of God, hidden since the foundation of the world.  While there may seem to be a difference in what Jesus Christ taught and what Paul taught, such as Christ taught the Kingdom was at hand and Paul preached salvation by the Cross but search out the scripture.  He upholds Christ Jesus and was eventually martyred for His beliefs.  Would he have willingly died if he was lying?  I doubt it.  So, without Paul, our salvation and our Bible falls.  Read Paul's books carefully and he had all the makings according to God's Word of a true Apostle.  He could heal, prophecy, speak in tongues, cast out demons and he is the only Apostle who was bitten by a very poisonous snake where he should have died within minutes but was not hurt.  The scripture upholds that.  There is no record of any apostle drinking poison but maybe that's because they didn't know it was poisoned.  There are things we just don't know.  

I just wanted to warn any newbies who may be concerned about this lie that turns our Bible into a lie.  Beware of seeking God on the internet.  There are some excellent sites and resources but except for very few online pastors like J. Vernon McGee, John MacAuthur and a few others (Wretched is a great resource), don't pay attention to random YouTubers that no one has heard of and if you come across one that sounds wrong, do a research on them and most of the time you'll find they are atheists or in the group above.  We have a choice, trust in God's complete perfect word and have salvation in Christ Jesus or follow 613 laws that no man ever lived perfectly except one and that is the man Jesus Christ.  God bless and be careful.

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