Thursday, April 5, 2018


UPDATE:  He said he was misquoted but he didn't deny he said it.  He just said there were no "quotation" marks around it.  So, we may never know but most think he did.  He says a lot of stupid things.

This is a link to an article where Pope Francis admits there is no hell.  Many news media is sharing this and knowing this particular pope, I don't doubt it.  So, I have a question for Francis.  If there's no hell for the unsaved, or purgatory, why do you pray for the dead, sell or sold "indulgences" to believers to "buy" loved ones out of hell?  Is the catholic church the liar, you, or perhaps both?  That's a dangerous thing to tell people unless you know for sure there's no hell or maybe even know for sure there is.  Something strange is going on at the Vatican.  What is it?

I cannot tell you what hell is like.  I've never been there and pray I never do.  It would be nice to think my unsaved loved ones aren't living in condemnation, fully aware, for eternity but if you take hell out of the Gospel, most people will say, I can live with that because that's what I believed all along.  My son even said if I could prove without a doubt that Heaven is for real, would he get saved.  He said NO.  Why?  He doesn't believe in hell or satan.  He says he doesn't believe in God but yet he hates him and calls him names, blames him, etc.  How can you hate something or someone who doesn't exist?

First Corinthians 15:1-11
John 3:16-18
Acts 8:37 (KJV only)
Ephesians 2:8-9


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