Monday, April 2, 2018


I believe hell is real but I pray I never find out what it's like.  Jesus spoke more about hell than He did Heaven.  John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that WHOSOEVER believeth in His Name should NOT PERISH but have everlasting life."  I also know some denominations don't believe in an everlasting conscious torment and honestly, I hope there isn't as I don't want anyone to suffer without end.   That's cruel and why we should take our Great Commission seriously.  However, I'm not surprised by anything this pope says or does.  I love catholics but have a big issue with the Vatican.  I don't trust or agree with the pope.  I feel nuns are nothing more than free slave labor for them and I've heard stories about Mother Theresa that if they're true, I've lost all respect for her.  Supposedly she got 3 billion dollars to build a hospital but she gave the money to the vatican instead.  Not only did the conditions stay horrific, they got far worse.  I cannot verify that but the source was credible.  Pope Francis wants a One World Religion and a NWO.  He bows down to Islam and compromises the Word of God.  Yet, women aren't allowed to use birth control.  It is not reasonable for parents to have 10 to 12 kids.  It was at one point but not today.  I am so anti-abortion but I do support birth control methods.  If they feel, to me that's like God saying "this is meant to be."  So, here's what happened after the pope made this statement.  He also upholds homosexuality and other unGodly things but what do you expect by a man who literally thinks he is Jesus Christ on earth?  Ye reap what ye sow.  God bless.

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