Friday, March 2, 2018


In April, I am declaring it as my "unofficial" Suicide Watch Month." My niece killed herself about 20 years ago that month so I'm not waiting for any government "color" day to make others aware of this tragedy that seems to be occurring at increasingly rapid rates here in America. Our teens are choosing that way out because we spread so much hate and division, many feel there simply is no hope. Yet there is a simple solution for those who will accept it and other (albeit harder) ways to find happiness in your life and a reason to believe.

We need less violence, hate, social media, bullying, division and more Christ Jesus. We need real parents who will say no and mean it. Parents who will teach children respect for themselves and others, to pursue your dreams and find something good to be passionate about and go be passionate about it. We need more churches and prayer in schools and less bars and drugs.

We need to love each other, care for the needs of others and be an example for our children to follow. Stop giving them fake trophies. They aren't even fooling the kids. Find out what your beautiful and unique child IS gifted in and encourage them to go as far as they can go.

Teach them that every action has a consequence, both good and bad. They especially need you to lead by example. They need to be told no and they don't always need a reason. Most of all, they need your love, support, guidance, honesty and to be there when they fall because they will fall. Suicide is a final answer to a temporary problem. If your children, spouse, friends, parents, etc. are depressed, start acting strange (like giving away things they love) and seem suddenly calm and happy, do NOT sigh a sigh of relief. More often than not, they have made their decision to commit suicide.

If they try and fail, I don't care how much they scream, yell, rant and rave; scream they'll hate you forever, etc., you get them in a hospital and keep them there as long as possible. The only way to true peace is through Christ Jesus but I also know that many will mock me. That's okay. I'm a big girl and very use to being offended for everything. I do believe that given enough time on this earth, they may change their minds and so may you. The key is keeping a close eye on those we love. While I am speaking of mainly children, we all know adults that could use some help. Be that person because yes, Cain, you ARE your brother's keeper.

Please send me anything you come across this month so I can share in April. Although that's the month I'm choosing, it behooves us to think about this every single day. Keep our loved ones safe...especially from themselves.


By the way, suicide is NOT an unpardonable sin so let no man deceive you. There is one and suicide is not it. It is the refusal to the death to receive Jesus Christ as Lord of your life. Accept His free gift today and the Bible has helped untold numbers of people from suicide so it is not a trite and ineffectual or unhelpful "suggestion" but rather the truth!

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