Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Sharing a website my dear David shared with me.  He always is so good when he finds websites, blogs, videos that align with my faith, he sends them to me.  He is such a loving husband, one who supports my faith and I'm starting to see some real fruits of salvation.  If only his language would simmer down, lol.  But as Todd Friel on Wretched said, NOT pointing out the "sins" in everybody, let it go.  It's a sign of maturity in God's Word.  Plus, while some words are obviously wrong to say, most 4 letter words we use really aren't curse words but rather just words.  Only man can take something innocent and make it bad.  For instance, damn is in the Bible.  It means to condemn.  Hell we KNOW is in there.  Bitch is a female dog and if you're in that business, as I once was, you use the correct terminology.  Bastard means illegitimate.  In some instances, the word I hate most is using God and the word damn together, doesn't mean something bad.  In the song, "The Pusher," that word is used BUT he's not using God's name in vain.  The way I hear it and always have is he is asking God to condemn drug pushers.  It's all in the context.  Just avoid the vulgar and don't drop very many "F" bombs.  Our mouths sure do get us into more trouble, lol.  God bless you all and hope this site helps!  Love in Christ Jesus.

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