Thursday, November 2, 2017


Unfortunately, my computer is too frustrating to use so my time is going to be very limited.  We're getting a new one in early January so until then, I just don't have the time or way to really work on my blog or participate in groups.  I was going to unjoin but decided not to.  I will try to participate but when I have time on hubby's computer, I use it for Bible Study.  I have not strayed and have no plans to walk away from this incredible life as I am not that stupid and live in a pit of hell again.  So moderators, please keep my groups going and those I am a member of, I cannot catch up but nor can I participate.  PLEASE be patient and if nothing else, we are going to go to a rental place for one or buy a refurbished laptop for $150 (which is far more likely).  Hubby is expecting a $1200 bonus in December so please pray he gets about 20 more surveys in.  He has to have 50 and has 30.  All I know is this, God is going to provide me with a way.  I really need to learn patience, a fruit of the Spirit, but NOT my primary Spiritual gift, not by a long shot.  He's not an arbitrary God and has a purpose for everything and maybe He's teaching me to be patient.  Hope is not an issue.  I asked for a Spirit of meekness, humility and love and He gave it to me.  Literally almost overnight.  Not this fake goody-goody two shoes hypocrisy but I see things more clearly and realize His blood wasn't shed just for me and grace isn't mine alone.  You want grace, give it.  Live what you say and people will want what you have.  Then you will be unstoppable in spreading the Gospel.  Also, learn to listen more, judge less and realize that maybe it's you who are wrong.  Treat others with love.  That covers a multitude of sins and, as the Apostle Paul says, you can prophecy, cast out demons, have knowledge, speak in tongues of men and angels (the only time an angelic tongue is mentioned and if anyone could speak in that language, Paul would be him), if you don't have love, you are nothing but a bunch of loud, noisy and unpleasant noise.  Okay, he didn't say it in those words but he did say he was nothing.  Pray for the better gifts and LOVE  (CHARITY) IS THE GREATEST OF ALL.  


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