Friday, July 21, 2017


Before I took my "break," I was sharing posts on the timing of the rapture.  Let me make this clear, if you want to call it a rapture or being caught up in the clouds, I KNOW that will occur.  That's 100% Biblical.  We are just divided and arguing over the timing.  I am going to be presenting opinions on both issues and let you decide for yourself.  Honestly, I'm torn.  I am not going to state my position on this issue because I too need to hear ALL the information and base my theology and beliefs on God's Word, not man's theories.  

I am not a big fan of the man speaking on this video, to be honest.  He preaches the true Gospel but he's made some statements to and about homosexuals that broke my heart because he may know the Bible but needs prayers on how to apply the commandments and principles written in the Bible in life.  It is always your choice on to listen or not.  Right now, I pray for a pre-trib rapture but as for me, I want to be ready in case there is not one.  Prepare others and learn.  There's one scripture though that does tend to allude to a rapture and while I cannot remember the book/chapter/verse, it goes like this..."When He who withstrains sin is removed...." seems to be the Holy Spirit.  No one knows for sure but that's pretty much the Biblical scholars and church fathers position.  If we are sealed by the Holy Spirit and He never leaves us, what exactly then is THAT ONE VERSE referring to?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.  Please either email me at (will be changing soon as I am going to start a new one for this blog(s) only.  I'll change it when created.  

"Let every man be fully convinced in his own mind."  The Holy Bible!

WARNING...some label Steve Anderson as a false prophet.  I don't listen to him after hearing the horrific things he said about homosexuals.  God loves us all the same and sin is sin.  We are liars.  Jesus Christ said liars are murderers.  There's a right way and wrong way to deal with gays and calling them names and wishing them to die is NOT how MY Bible tells me to act.  Is he a false prophet?  Every pastor from Billy Graham to Hillsong to Chris Tomlin (and of course the real false prophets) has been labeled by someone as a false prophet, teacher, wolf, or whatever name they choose.  Every man is a liar and let God be true.  We get things wrong as we are fallen men.  Sorry, I'm not going to be PC.  Men refers to "mankind" and we are neither Jew nor Greek; free nor bond; male nor female but ONE in Christ Jesus.  That is in both Colossians and Galatians.  Even if he gets some things wrong, as I was told, even a broken clock is right twice per day.  Is he right on this?  I can't dictate what you believe but I will always present both sides of these issues.  While it's not a "salvation" issue, can we afford to take the chance of being wrong?  We must share the Saving Gospel of Jesus Christ in truth so we must learn the truth of the Word of our God, the only Living God, THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT!


First Corinthians 15:1-11
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 3:16-17


Romans 3:23 and 6:23


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