Wednesday, June 21, 2017


I am going to start a daily prayer request page each day (but give me a few days to get used to doing this as it may take a bit to remember).  If you have a specific or general prayer request, feel free to comment and ask for your prayers or write me at this email address only...


Please note that unless specifically requested, no identifying info will be given but for the ease of praying, please use a name that is special to you and God so that we can call on the Lord God Almighty in your name.  We are told to pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters and many of us keep prayer notebooks so we can pray specifically for your needs rather than just a general prayer.  It is, after all, our most effective weapon on earth and more powerful than a gun!  

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Image result for spina bifida

A picture of someone with Spina Bifida

Please pray for a man who works with my husband.  He is fine now and out of the hospital but he had a bad accident.  He works strictly to make barely enough to pay for medical insurance.  It cannot lapse because these parents are to be admired.  They chose NOT to abort their baby daughter even though she has spina bifida.  It's incurable and most never walk, can control their physical private needs and will be in diapers their entire life.  They will never be able to live alone and will require their parents to make a life-long commitment to taking care of even the most basic of needs, such as getting dressed, eating, making sure their muscles are exercised regularly so their muscles don't atrophy and while most don't grow into normal sized adults, they do grow up.  I'm not well versed in this birth defect but I believe it effects the child's brain but to what degree, I don't know.  There are varying degrees with the mild form not really causing any problems and live a normal life.  However, this child has the most severe form and it does affect the brain.  To learn more, please visit the link at the bottom of the above picture on this page.  Because of the mess our medical insurance is in today, with almost all insurance companies using the "pre-existing" clause to get out of having to pay (says  a lot about us, doesn't it?) if he misses ONE payment, his policy is cancelled and although he can get it back, because it lapsed, his daughter will not have any coverage in regards to any physical issues that they can find a way to relate to her "pre-existing" condition of spina bifida.  While the company gives it's employees a living wage, they have no control over this nor can they control the cost.  His insurance is a minimum of $800 but probably more around $1200/month since he has the family plan but if David and I bought it, it's $800 minimum for just the employee and spouse and doesn't include your children.  You either have to buy a family plan (if still a viable option) or add each child individually.  He makes roughly the same amount my husband does and so some paydays (paid 2 x month), his take home pay may be less than $100 to $200.  He had to be out of work for a week and since he couldn't make commission sales, he may not have made enough to pay his premium which would be a disaster for his daughter and family.  To work hard 40 plus hours a week, just to insure your sick child, really upsets me.  I have no insurance and I truly believe it is by God's grace and protection that I've got a doctor to make sure I have my medicines I need to live and it's only $95 every 2 months.  However, you get what you pay for.  I've found a much better doctor for the same amount and David is covered by the VA.  A collection was taken and because of the generosity of the employees, a minimum of $1200 was collected PLUS he still gets his sick time pay.  So, he can not only for once pay the premium but will have a surplus of money.  He may work a 2nd job, get government help and I think his wife also works but you have to take into consideration how much daycare will cost and probably have to hire at the least, a certified nurse's aide," because most daycares won't accept children with this condition.  Too much work, worried about lawsuits, don't want to be bothered is a huge problem.  I pray they have help.  Please pray for this family that God works through our POTUS to make healthcare cheap, unlimiting and as I heard people will be charged a flat tax based on how much they make.  We will probably have to pay around $25 to $50 each year based on our income but the higher your income, the more you have to pay to ensure that every pre-existing conditions are 100% covered and everyone will have quality health insurance.  These parents chose LIFE and NOT abortion and it feels they're being punished for making an awesome choice that HER LIFE MATTERS AND HAS A PURPOSE.  They gave up a lot of their hopes and dreams so she could be born.  I'm sure the pro-choicers call them ignorant, uncaring, how dare they bring an imperfect child into the world because it will be a drain on our resources.  BTW, Down's Syndrome is down by 90%.  Sounds awesome until you learn why.  They're murdered by people who swore an oath to "first, do no harm."  Down's Syndrome children are "down" by 90% not because of a cure but because 90% of them are aborted.  Either ALL lives matter or none matters.  Please pray for "SB Family" and also that the problems existing today are fixed and we can once again afford insurance and the best care available, regardless of who you are, what you earn and stop punishing those who choose to do what is not only right ethically but also by the Law of God!    Pray that donations continue for a few more paydays.  Also pray for those whose "god" is money come to know that giving to those less fortunate is one of the greatest blessings and when you bless others without expecting accolades or honors, without boasting and doing it solely because it's right come to see this most basic Biblical principle.  We all must always be aware that everything we have can be lost in an hour.  Our treasures stored in Heaven cannot be taken away and don't ever give expecting to "feel good" about it.  That's self-serving and we must sacrifice or give up something important to us because anyone will give someone something they don't want.  True sacrifice isn't made to make you "feel good."  Maybe it's supposed to hurt and that's when you KNOW it was righteousness.  

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I am trying to start a "ministry" to help feed the hungry and homeless in my area with both physical and Spiritual bread and living water.  I'm also hoping to create a Disciple's Gathering Place to gather together, as the Apostles did on the Lord's Day (Sunday) which is when believers only come together to prepare us to go OUT into the world to share the Gospel of Salvation according to Jesus Christ in First Corinthians 15:1-11; Ephesians 2:8-9; and John 3:16 in my home or the park; and third, to start a faith-based support group for people who struggle with addictions.  Remember that physical addiction can happen to anyone.  Many people cannot live or have a quality of life without narcotic pain medications and even marijuana, which God created, was called "good."  It has healing properties but just as I'm opposed to drinking regularly, I am also against anyone who abuses or misuses their prescribed medications.  We are a unique group and only if you yourself struggle or have with any addiction can truly understand.  So I ask for your prayer that God provides me a way to accomplish my goals as in everything I do, be it Spiritual or life stuff, I want to bring glory and honor to Him alone.  

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Image result for images for the body of christ

Remember our unknown brethern in the Body of Christ and pray for strength.  Pray for the needy and the most vulnerable of us...the unborn.  Be their voice.  Pray for your enemies, love them and do good to them as Jesus Christ commanded.  Also pray for a HUGE outpouring of the Holy Spirit and that those unsaved in truth, deceived or believe (or so they claim) to believe in nothing.  Be it God or man, everyone has faith and belief in someone so atheism is a faith-based "religion" in its own has faith and belief that fallen man has the answers. God created science so I believe science proves the existence of God, it is just hidden.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to teach and lead them into TRUTH.  As always, you are constantly in my prayers and I ask for yours.  God bless you all.

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First Corinthians 15:1-11
John 3:16-17
Ephesians 2:8-9


Romans 3:23
Romans 6:23

"For all sin and fall short of the glory of God"


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