Saturday, March 18, 2017


Written by: Brenda Alexander

Anyone who wishes to use repost or share on your blog or website in part or in whole, you have my permission.  I do not want or need credit but a link to my blog is all I ask and even that is up to you.  If you do share, try to remember to remove my email address but as that's not my main one, if you forget, there is no problem.  Feedback (positive or negative) on my writing style is very much appreciated.  However, I stand firm on my statements and will be more than happy to share the truth of false teachings, I am not going to debate you.  

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I try to only share news that is true because I feel that to spread false or fake news hurts us badly by making us unreliable and our credibility is destroyed. I subscribe to some very good and reliable newsletters that I share with you when I can. I read this not long ago during the time when I had to take a much-needed break from social media to restore my broken fellowship with Christ Jesus due to trying to do too much which left me little time to do what the Lord Jesus Christ commanded me to do. I wasn't praying, going to church, or even being the wife that He told me to be. While YHWH always comes first, my family and being a good steward comes next. I read in I think that being "saved or born again" is not a requirement for ministers in many churches today. There is no specific church or denomination, it's just from the largest mega-church to the smallest one in the world and every church in between, some churches do not require this of their pastors and ministries. All they require is a diploma from seminary school or being ordained. You can become an "ordained minister" by paying a fee online. I find this both extremely scary and sad. If they aren't believers or saved, then how can we be sure that they are teaching us the truth about the Bible? I fear they're teaching you their beliefs and own interpretation of what they want the Bible to say rather than what it does, especially as it deals with homosexuality, sexual immorality and trans-genders. Also, a famous comedian was once a televangelist and admitted he only became one because it was a very lucrative business. He was never sincere and didn't even believe in God. All he wanted was the massive amounts of money he could make. Later, he found he could make more by becoming famous entertaining the masses with extremely filthy comedy. How sad for him. I hope he found Jesus Christ before his untimely death.

I was very derelict in my duties and my Spiritual life suffered. Also, last year was a very difficult year politically. We became a divided nation and also there has and still remains a great division in the Body of Christ, which is the only true Church, regardless of what some of today's new denominations tell you. There is no "remnant church" that comes at the end of the age. As it was at the beginning, so it is today. Read Paul's books and Revelation to see if this is true. Be a good Berean. They were a very faithful group of believers and searched the scriptures daily to see if what they were being told was true. You will hear me say that a lot. I know many of us got very involved in politics last year, especially on social media groups such as Google Plus, FaceBook and Twitter and some of us used all forms. I can only speak for myself but I found that it brought out the worst in me, caused depression, worry and fear, not to mention a lot of anger. We are even guilty of sharing lies via false or fake news stories. I know it wasn't intentional, of course, but there is no justification for our actions. While I think it's good to vote for the candidate that is going to uphold our beliefs and moral laws as well as to keep watch on world events because the Second Coming of Christ Jesus is highly political. We are commanded to do two things as we await His glorious return and that is to watch and work. However, the election is over and we have a new President that whether he was your choice or not, we need to pray for him and support him. We are also told not to speak evil against our rulers. I failed miserably on that one, lol. I said many bad things about our former POTUS and Hellary Clinton BUT on that one, she was NOT our ruler so I'm off the hook on that one but I am guilty of probably sharing fake stories about her and I said many hurtful things about her. It was a good season for satan. He sure did have a lot of influence on us. Let's not give him that much power over us ever again. So keep your eyes on world events, especially as they deal with unfolding prophecy but don't let the "evil one" cause us to slip. If we do, we have an awesome mediator in Christ Jesus. 

There has been a rise in cult-like denominations as well as what is considered actual cults by mainstream Christianity. The United Pentacostal Church as well as the Seventh Day Adventists are cultish but not considered a full-blown cult because the first teaches that one must speak in tongues and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ only in order to be saved and as proof of having received the free gift of the Holy Spirit. We are told in the scriptures that once we are born again we are given the Holy Spirit. It is a free gift from God and we are sealed by Him. There is no verse in the Holy Bible that clearly states that we will speak in tongues once we are saved or baptized separately by the Holy Ghost (which should have been properly translated as the Holy Spirit) in the KJV. They have to twist scriptures and make assumptions to make their doctrine fit and you cannot do that. The Day of Pentacost happened once and has never been repeated. I have shared many posts on this new "tongues doctrine of the UPC" that you can find in the archived pages if you want a better understanding of this very unique and vital gift given that day. It was always a known language and vital so that the Good News of Christ Jesus could be spread among the nations since the Bible had yet to be written and as a sign for the Jews. Read Acts and it tells you this and not everyone got the gift of tongues. It was given to those who the Holy Spirit gave utterance. Others got different Spiritual gifts such as prophecy, healing, wisdom and knowledge but we are told to pray for the better gifts as tongues was the least of the gifts of the Spirit. Do some have this unique gift today? I do not know but if it is needed, I feel sure our Holy God still give this gift. I have heard someone speak in tongues once with an interpreter and it was amazing. However, unless there was an interpreter, no one was allowed to speak in tongues in the church, just as Paul commands in First Corinthians. In fact, that particular book was written to the Church of Corinth for the misuse of the gift of tongues. Many call it their secret prayer language. I have never read of such a thing in the Bible and I do not have this gift myself. I can't say for sure but anyone can speak in an unknown language if they want and also it is not unique to Christianity. Some muslims and bhuddists also speak in tongues.

The following is an excerpt from Chaim in regards to speaking in tongues.  

Tongues, tongues , tongues, .............!  Satan speaks in tongues!!! He will speak any language ever!!!  He knows them all!  Such a person thinks themselves saved because they speak a tongue they can't even understand!!!  

WHO IS SPEAKING THROUGH THEM???  Do they even know?  They are suckers for deception and takeover!   the more they preach tongues, tongues, tongues, THE MORE WE SAY: GET THE GOSPEL OUT!!!   THAT IS OUR BADGE OF BEING IN CHRIST....IN CHRIST!

LET THEM CEASE FROM THAT!!!  Tell them to share the Gospel in tongues. GIVE THEM THE WAY TO COPY IT.

If you have not yet posted one of my tongues shares in 17 languages maybe do so.  



STUDY, STUDY, STUDY, THE WORD IN FULL... that is what God approves best:

2 Tim.2:

14 Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.
15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

The Seventh Day Adventists put us under the OT Levitical Law and claim that worshiping on SUNday is the "mark of the beast," that it's not a literal MARK but I believe the Bible is clear that it will be a very real mark of some kind because it says that those who receive this mark, great sores will appear.   Also, once taken you cannot be saved.  You could change your worship day any time and and what about those who worship our Lord and Savior EVERY DAY of the week, as I try to do?  They are strict Sabbitarians who insist that we must worship on Saturdays or the traditional Jewish Sabbath.  Again, Paul is clear not to judge anyone by foods, feast days or which day they esteem higher or if they esteem all days alike.  As a true Christian, I cannot worship Him more on Saturday OR Sunday than I do any other day of the week.  Jesus Himself was accused many times of breaking those strict and traditional Sabbath rules.  He set us free from the law because He fulfilled it for us when He died on a cross on Calvary.  We are under the dispensation of GRACE but one day, we will not be.  I fear that day is very close at hand.  They also do not believe in the rapture.  That in and of itself is a very unnecessary division because God is going to do what He has planned and I guarantee there's a lot of things that's going to take place that we don't know about as of now.  It isn't even a salvation issue and I strongly feel that this causes a great division within the Body of Christ that is the biggest waste of time.  Why not pray and hope for a pre-trib rapture BUT be ready for anything because it's going to get a lot worse between now and when it begins.  I have read much on this issue and for a while I rejected it but a lot of new information has come to light as time and knowledge grows and I see a lot of scripture that does uphold this view.  I also see where others may see it different.  Be ready and found ready when He comes for us, regardless of the timing.  Let's unite rather than let this further divide us.  Again, if you are in this denomination, please be a good Berean once again.

The SDA "Prophetess"

Lastly, two actual cults are being spread all over the world today.  Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormonism are considered actual cults by mainstream Christianity.  They teach very strange and unBiblical doctrines.  I know very little about their doctrines except the JW organization teaches that Jesus Christ was created and not eternal God and that He is the Archangel Michael.  The Mormons teach polygamy only for the men and that satan and Christ Jesus were (or are) brothers.  There is nothing scriptural about any of these teachings.  In fact, Jude 1:9 clears up that in 2 ways.  It says that Michael is an Archangel and if he were Jesus Christ, He would have said "I rebuke you" rather than "the Lord rebuke you" when contending over the body of Moses.  Beware, not only do we have these false prophets spreading lies in mega-churches, making millions of dollars and living a very wealthy and prosperous lifestyle off of our money, bragging about it and telling the world that the church is behind the times.  GOD CHANGES NOT.  Now we have churches with large followings being taught a different Gospel and Christ Jesus.  Be YE not deceived.  Their are wolves in sheep's clothing roaming around, seeking to destroy and devour you.  Don't let it happen to you and if you are in a cult, come out of her now.  I will share an article later on signs to watch out for to make sure you are not in a cult.  Follow Jesus Christ and His teachings only.  After all, He knows ALL.  (See below for 7 signs that you are in a cult or cult-like church).

God bless you all and much love in Christ Jesus!


First Corinthians 15:1-11
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 3:16-17
Acts 8:37
Romans 3:23 and 6:23
We are ALL sinners in need of our God and Savior, Yeshua ah Messiach.  He came to save the sinners, not the righteous (or self-righteous).  The worse we are, the more He wants to save us.  We are all able to be saved regardless of what you have done, how old you are, your race, religion or national origin.  The One and Only Living God includes everyone on earth.  He is an all-inclusive Savior.  His burden is easy and His yoke is easy.  We can't work nor buy our salvation.  We cannot earn it no matter how "good" we think we are.  We are made pure and righteous ONLY by His blood.  The formula for salvation is so easy.  TRUST AND BELIEVE WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD GOD ALMIGHTY AND THEN BELIEVE THIS FORMULA TO BE BORN AGAIN, FOREVER SAVED AND HAVE ETERNAL LIFE!  JUST KNOW THAT HE DID THE FOLLOWING AND THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT.  HE....





1.  You have to use man-written books such as the Watchtower or the books by Ellen G. White and/or rewrite a new version of the Bible to uphold your teachings is a clear sign you are in a cult.  The Holy Bible is inerrant and infallible, does not need to be rewritten and changed to make your teachings and doctrines fit.  The Bible is sufficient to interpret itself.  Learn how to rightly divide the Word of God (one way is it speaking to Israel and/or the Jews or to the Church (or Christians).  The Watchtower is full of occult, freemason and Illuminati symbolism on their covers.

2.  If you dare question the leader, associate or marry outside the faith, and have friends of other denominations, you are shunned and thrown out.  You can be accepted back in after 6 or more months once you've proven you are faithful to their church.

3. The church/organization claims to be the only true church or remnant church of the end times and that all other denominations are going to hell.  

4.  They teach that hell or eternal damnation is not literal and that you just die.  While I do not know nor want to ever know what hell is really like, I do believe that it will be a conscious place where you will be for eternity, separated from God.  We live in a Godless world now, can you begin to imagine what it will be like to live in a total state of separation from God's love, compassion and mercy?  No peace, love, joy or happiness ever!  I fear hell, of course, but that's not why I became born again.  I am way more afraid NOT to be with Jesus Christ for eternity.  I serve Him out of love and wanting to be with Him rather than just fear of hell.  I believe that's why we all should serve Him is to be with Him, not only because you fear hell, although I also believe you should fear hell as well.

5.  You have to worship or attend church on a certain day, you are to obey the OT laws, you are taught that you also much do something in order to be saved other than trust and believe that Jesus Christ died to save us from our sins and that when He said "It is finished," salvation had come into the world through His shed blood on the cross; was buried and resurrected in body; was seen by many, spent 40 days on earth in His glorified body and ultimately ascended into Heaven and will return the same way one day.  You don't have to be baptized, speak in tongues, tithe, or do anything for you to be saved for it is by grace through faith and not of works.  It's a free gift of God (Eph 2:8-9). 

6.  Tithing!  You are told you must give 10% of your income, NO MATTER WHAT, or else you are robbing God.  Even if you cannot pay your bills, buy food, medicines or other necessities and trust that Jesus will provide you with much more than you gave.  While He certainly has blessed me many times financially, it has never depended on how much I gave or even if I gave money.  All I have is His and if He asks me to give it away, I will obey.  God values our time and obedience to Him, helping the poor and needy or helping someone in need (like help fix a flat tire), our prayer life and how we treat others as much, if not more, than He does how much money we give.  I have no income with which to tithe and it was a law given to the House of Israel whenever they had a Levitical priest.  Jesus Christ is our final and Royal Priest and He is not a Levitical priest.  I cannot spell but it's under the order of Melchesidek  or something like that.  It's good to support your church because if you don't and you are blessed to have a good Bible-only preaching church that is Biblical, if you don't help them financially, you will find you don't have it anymore because it takes money to have a church.  We are to give cheerfully and as much as we can but since we are the true church of Jesus Christ, we cannot forsake our temple.  Christ lives in us and we are to take care of our temple first.  In fact, isn't it a sin to steal money from our debtors?  He will bless you when you do give money, time or help but it may not be a financial blessing.  Please don't use God as your stockbroker.  Don't give with the expectation of being repaid with interest.  I don't think that's what God meant.  Also, tithes were for specific uses.  One, it was to support the Levitical priest and to be distributed among the saints who needed it in the temples, and there was to be a community feast with the tithings.  It was not so that the ministers or the church could build bigger buildings, become wealthy and prosperous, or even to pay people for their services. How many churches do you see using your tithes and offerings as the Bible commands?  I've found one in 56 years.  That's sad but pastors won't tell you the truth because they are afraid you won't give.  It's been proven that those few who do teach this, they actually average 22% of the average member's income so they do better.  Honesty is not only the best policy and obedience to God's Word but it also benefits you financially when you do things right.  I want to see churches flourish but I want it to go to helping those in need like the Bible commands and not to ministers having billion dollar bank accounts when their members have to go without medicine, food or even homes.  

7.  You feel more like you're at a rock concert than a house of worship.  There's confusion and unorderly.  People are speaking in strange tongues, falling and convulsing on the floor, even some running around and barking/howling like dogs.  I know the Holy Spirit can bring you to your knees but He does so in a safe say, not throw you down where you could get hurt or even killed.  BTW, Benny Hinn killed an old woman during one of his laying on of hands as he knocked her down intentionally and she apparently had a traumatic brain injury.  God loves us, He doesn't hurt us like that.  He corrects us but even that's love and a blessing always follows our lessons.

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