Friday, January 20, 2017


"For ye are SAVED by GRACE through Faith and NOT of YOURSELF.  It is a GIFT OF GOD.  NOT of works (nor deeds) lest ANY man should BOAST."

IF there be any verse in the Bible I love more than the others, this one (along with Romans 8:28) has got to be my favorite.  Here is why...

We all sin and fall short of the glory of God.  That's Romans 3:28, btw.  We serve a righteous and HOLY God Yahwey.  I know that there is nothing I can do, say, think or feel that would ever meet HIS standards of righteousness.  I'd go to hell as fast as a speeding bullet, even if I obeyed every singe law written 99.99999% of the time.  I'd pretty much have to live in total isolation but I'm positive I'd still sin.  My own standards of righteousness, which aren't very high to be honest (I tend to have loopholes in mine, lol but God does NOT), I am unable to even come close to them and I'm a human.  If I can't achieve my own "reasonable" degree of holiness and righteousness, I'll never meet Yahwey's.  It's that simple.  

See, right now I'm not real pleased with my attitude.  I am very much first and foremost a Christian, then a wife, mother of 5 grown kids, mommy to 3 pet babies, a very caring and giving person and can forgive anyone but myself.  Somewhere in that list I am also extremely conservative politically.  I also know what I am not.  I'm not a racist, bigot, homophobe, xenophobe, deplorable and I am certainly not unredeemable but even more important, I KNOW I am not nor ever will be on this side of Heaven, be perfect.  Paul said he was the "chief of sinners."  Well, Paul never met me, lol.  

It has been a very hard year.  The country, church, friends and family are so divided today.  I will be honest, it is extremely annoying to see these "young to old adults" throwing temper tantrums, wailing at the unfairness of it all, screaming for violence, DOING violent acts, etc.  It is driving me INSANE.  That's one reason I DID take time off the computer.  I had had enough.  It's OVER.  We have a new president, Donald J. Trump, and like it or not, there is nothing you can or should even attempt to do anything about.  If you are anti-Trump, God doesn't give up on you, don't judge Trump or look at what he may or may not have done in the past.  Remove the board out of your own eye first...remember???  The only thing that matters now is what he does and doesn't do starting today.  Do not fear, he will be THE most watched man in the world, lol.  We also have checks and balances; fail safes in case any POTUS tries to take over and go against our Constitution.  Many come close to crossing the line but never cross it.  Neither will Trump.  God is sovereign and not one thing will happen that He doesn't have planned but it won't always be what we want or think of as good either.  However, we are promised in Romans 8:28 that ALL things will work out, be they good OR bad.  Trust God, not Trump or any "man."

So I am fighting an ugly battle with self lately and my flesh.  I have this nasty little attitude of "We won, you lost, hahahaha.  Grow up and get over it.  I TOLD YOU SO."  That's what I'm thinking, feeling and saying and I don't like it.  Yet it gives me great pleasurable emotions when I do.  No, I am not happy with myself and I highly doubt Christ Jesus is overly thrilled with me either.  I want to feel empathy, compassion and grace towards this childish behavior but I don't.  It will go away soon but this is why Ephesians 2:8-9 means so much to me right now.  I am SAVED.  I am saved by GRACE and not because of what I do and say or don't do or so.  I am also forgiven for this character flaw I'm so guilty of tonight and it too will pass. I am so grateful though that when it is gone, I'll have learned something more valuable than gold.  If I wasn't saved, He wouldn't be convicting me.  I'm going to try to fix this attitude but in the end, I can't.  However, the One Who will, walks on water!

God bless you all.  Be safe and God won.  I noticed a theme over the last 24 hours and His name, the Bible or scripture was mentioned more times in the last 2 days than I've seen in the last 2 years!  God is GOOD!


+ + + FIRST CORINTHIANS 15:1-11 + + +

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