Friday, November 11, 2016


Breakfast By The Sea

John 21:1-14

AFTER These Things, Jesus SHOWED Himself, AGAIN, TO The Disciples AT The Sea of Tiberias, AND IN THIS WAY, He (Jesus) SHOWED Himself:

Simon Peter, Thomas, called The Twin, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, The Sons of Zebedee (John and James), and Two Others of His Disciples were together. Simon Peter said to Them, “I am going fishing.” They said to Him (Simon Peter), “We are going with you also.” They went out and immediately got into the boat, and THAT NIGHT, They Caught NOTHING.

BUT, When The Morning Had NOW COME, Jesus STOOD ON The Shore; YET The Disciples Did NOT Know That IT WAS Jesus. THEN Jesus SAID TO Them, “Children, Have YOU ANY Food?” They answered Him (Jesus), “NO.” And He (Jesus) SAID TO Them, “CAST The Net ON The Right Side of The Boat, AND YOU WILL FIND SOME.” So They CAST, AND NOW, They WERE NOT ABLE TO DRAW IT (The Net) IN, BECAUSE OF The Multitude of Fish.

Therefore, THAT Disciple (John), Whom Jesus Loved, said to Peter, “IT IS The LORD (Jesus)!” Now, When Simon Peter HEARD, That IT WAS The LORD (Jesus), He (Simon Peter) PUT ON His Outer Garment (For He Had REMOVED IT), AND PLUNGED INTO The Sea (The Sea of Tiberias). BUT, The Other Disciples CAME IN The Little Boat (For They were NOT far from land, but about Two Hundred Cubits), DRAGGING The Net WITH Fish. THEN, AS SOON AS They Had COME TO Land, They SAW A Fire of Coals THERE, AND Fish LAID ON IT, AND Bread. Jesus SAID TO Them, “BRING SOME of The Fish, Which YOU Have JUST CAUGHT.”

Simon Peter WENT UP AND DRAGGED The Net TO Land, FULL of Large Fish, One Hundred AND Fifty-Three (Large Fish); AND Although There Were SO Many, The Net WAS NOT Broken. Jesus SAID TO Them, “COME AND EAT Breakfast.” YET, NONE of The Disciples DARED ASK Him (Jesus), “WHO ARE YOU?” KNOWING THAT IT WAS The LORD (Jesus). Jesus THEN, CAME AND TOOK The Bread AND GAVE IT TO Them, AND LIKEWISE, The Fish.

THIS IS NOW, The Third Time, Jesus SHOWED Himself TO His Disciples, AFTER He WAS RAISED (ALIVE) FROM The Dead (BY GOD Almighty).

John 21:15-17, 19b

So, When They HAD EATEN Breakfast, Jesus SAID TO Simon Peter, “Simon, Son of Jonah, DO YOU LOVE Me, MORE THAN THESE?” He (Simon Peter) said to Him (Jesus), “YES, LORD; YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU.” He (Jesus) SAID TO Him (Simon Peter), “FEED My Lambs.”

He (Jesus) SAID TO Him (Simon Peter), AGAIN, A Second Time, “Simon, son of Jonah, DO YOU LOVE Me?” He (Simon Peter) said to Him (Jesus), “YES, LORD; YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU.” He (Jesus) SAID TO Him (Simon Peter), “TEND My Sheep.”

He (Jesus) SAID TO Him (Simon Peter) The Third Time, “Simon, son of Jonah, DO YOU LOVE Me?” Peter WAS GRIEVED, BECAUSE He (Jesus) SAID TO Him, The Third Time, “DO YOU LOVE Me?” AND He (Simon Peter) said to Him (Jesus), “LORD, YOU KNOW ALL THINGS; YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU.” Jesus SAID TO Him (Simon Peter), “FEED My Sheep.”

AND When He (Jesus) Had SPOKEN THIS, He (Jesus) SAID TO Him (Simon Peter), “FOLLOW Me.”

Fellow Believers, Our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ, IS COMMANDING EACH OF Us, “TO FEED His Lambs, TO TEND His Sheep, AND YES, TO FEED His Sheep, ALWAYS!”

So, you are probably asking yourself, What Does THIS Mean? You’re probably saying to yourself, that’s My Pastor’s Job NOT Mine, am I right? Well, you would be partially correct, yes, it’s Your Pastor’s Job to do These Things, BUT IT IS ALSO, Your Job TO DO These Things, BOTH literally and figuratively. ALL OF Us (Believers) ARE Jesus Christ’s LIGHT Upon This World, That’s Right, I said ALL OF Us! We ALL ARE Ministers OF The Gospel OF Jesus Christ, AND We ALL Have The SAME Commission, TO Share The Gospel OF Jesus Christ, WITH EVERYONE, Who Has Ears TO HEAR AND Has Eyes TO SEE The TRUTH!

We KNOW That Jesus Christ ABIDES WITHIN Us, THROUGH The Holy Spirit, AND That GOD Almighty WATCHES OVER Us, ALWAYS! We KNOW That AS We READ The Holy Bible, GOD Almighty SPEAKS TO Us, BOTH THROUGH HIS WORDS We READ, BUT ALSO, What HE SAYS TO Our Hearts, AS We READ! And We ARE All ON Different Paths, Different Walks, IN Our Christian Lives. GOD Almighty CREATES A Specific Path (His Path) For EACH OF Us To Walk, AND NOT A Single One, IS THE SAME! What GOD Almighty REVEALS TO YOU, Today, Will NOT BE The Same, AS What GOD Almighty REVEALS TO Me, Today, and THIS IS A Wonderful Thing, A TRUE BLESSING, For EACH OF Us. REJOICE IN THIS FACT!

Remember, GOD Almighty Will Reveal Things, He Wants YOU TO KNOW, Yourself, AND GOD Almighty WILL REVEAL THINGS, He Wants YOU TO SHARE WITH Others, TO Fellow Believers, BUT Also, TO Yet-To-Be-Believers AND TO Unbelievers, as well. Why do you think there are so many Holy Bible Commentaries “out there”, because Fellow Believers are sharing what GOD Almighty ASKED Them TO Share. KNOW THIS, What GOD Almighty REVEALS TO YOU, IS Specifically TO YOU, BUT NOT Specifically ONLY FOR YOU, I pray this makes sense to you.

Act 2:17-18

BUT Peter, STANDING UP, WITH The Eleven, RAISED His Voice AND SAID TO Them, “AND IT Shall COME TO PASS, IN The LAST DAYS, SAYS GOD (GOD Almighty), That I (GOD Almighty) WILL POUR OUT OF My Spirit (The Holy Spirit) ON ALL Flesh (Believers); Your Sons AND Your Daughters Shall PROPHESY, Your Young Men Shall SEE VISIONS, Your Old Men Shall Dream DREAMS. AND ON My Menservants AND ON My Maidservants I (GOD Almighty) WILL POUR OUT My Spirit (The Holy Spirit) IN THOSE DAYS; AND They Shall PROPHESY.”

The Being Caught Up Together May Occur IN The Next Millisecond, So, There IS NO Time TO Waste, GET OUT There, Show YOU Care, AND Share The Gospel OF Jesus Christ.

©Stan Arney
Stand with GOD Almighty, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit, Always, and They will Always, Stand with YOU !!!!!!!

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