Tuesday, March 27, 2018


I don't normally watch these types of videos, much less share them but this is so blasphemous and heretical that I felt I needed to share it with you.  It's not real big in the U.S. right now but it's beginning.  The anti-Christ message is no longer subtle but rather "in your face."  It is nothing more than mockery of the Christian faith.  Notice they don't do this to Muslims, Buddhists, or any other religion.  It even mocks the Roman Catholic Church which I find incredibly odd and disturbing.  Everyone LOVES the pope (except me).  

I don't watch much television and the few shows I do, I notice how they try to influence us with their anti-God, pro-gay, abortion, gender identity, etc.  Just like Disney, their target audience is our most vulnerable...children.  Get 'em while they're young.  And this new ice cream chain most definitely targets our kids.  Watch it and see just what we're dealing with.  The paragraph below has nothing to do with this video but since we do watch television and movies, I'm offering a better choice.  There's a new one called CrossFlix but it is not quite as good.  Both offer 30 to 60 days free of charge but again, PureFlix is the better of the two and I have both.

Again, I'm going to highly recommend that you subscribe to PureFlix.  Every movie I've seen is good and they have every genre except science fiction (although a few could be considered similar but still Bible-based but it is FICTION.  The cartoons I've heard are awesome and there is very few movies that you would feel uncomfortable watching with your children or even on a date.  If it's deemed inappropriate for kids, it clearly states it and why (such as mild adult language) or end times fiction that may scare younger children.  I get nothing for endorsing them but I don't think watching regular TV and movies a sin UNLESS you put them before God.  If so, you have a problem and DVRing them solves that AND being able to fast forward through the most horrible ads known to man.  

You really need to watch this video.  Put on the full armor of God and know your enemy.  No one goes into battle unprepared and without knowing our foes.  Pray for them, do good and love them.  It's not a battle of flesh and blood but a Spiritual battle fought against principalities and powers in the Heavenly realm so prayer is the most effective weapon.  God bless and please don't be swayed by your kids if you live near one.  Sometimes no is the right answer and these days it's the children who run the home.  Parents have zero power thanks to CPS and our corrupt government.  Raise your child the way God said to raise them, with authority and discipline but never to beat them but a swat on the rear never hurt anybody..  Never compromise to please anybody, not your kids or spouse.  Be a man or woman where on that glorious day you will hear those words...well done, my good and faithful servant.

"Raise your children in the way it should go and it shall never depart from it."

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