Monday, March 26, 2018


As he states, I am not sharing this to in any way put down the SDA organization.  While some say it's a cult, I don't but more cult-like.  I've studied with an SDA and they have many, many truths but they really veer off the Bible with Jesus Christ is really the Archangel Michael (read Jude 1:4) and I think that pretty much proves that although Michael is probably the highest created angelic being and is literally Christ-like in many ways, he is still a created being and Jesus Christ wasn't created.  To the credit of the SDA, although they believe Jesus is really Michael, they do not believe he was created.  The Jehovah's Witnesses believe this too and I did a lot of research on both denominations (although both reject being called a "church"), the JWs believe Jesus was created and is not divine except after He died.  The JWs also do not believe Jesus was crucified on a Cross but a stake or possibly an "X" shaped cross.  Well, two clear Biblical verses proof that it had to be close to the shape that we preach as well as a lot of secular writings regarding the shape of a cross.  

Oh, did you know that being crucified was reserved for the worst of the worst?  Only the most horrible criminals were crucified (but that's subjective) on the cross and was meant to be cruel, humiliating, shameful and is still considered to be THE most barbaric, inhumane way of implementing the death penalty.  As a child, I had no idea what He really went through.  As an adult, I never investigated because I have this love/hate relationship with that Cross of Jesus.  It is so hard to be grateful that my Lord and Savior suffered so horrifically but yet God foreknew it.  It was His will.  I can't stand the thought of His death.  Now that I know what it means to be scourged, I have even more problems.  It's hard to celebrate the day which most believe was a Friday but it's more than likely it was Wednesday as there were 2 Sabbaths the week Jesus was crucified based not on our calendar but on the Jewish calendar.  It has something to do with either the spring equinox or solstice so we don't know the date but know that it's the Sunday following this event.  I learned this a while back and can't remember the source but I've since read about it and watched videos.  It explains perfectly and Biblically that Jesus rose on the 3rd FULL day.  We count even 1 hour as the first day but in reality, with the immaculate records kept by our Jewish friends is pretty accurate.  Remember, Jesus came as a Jew.  The Jews started Christianity.  They are critical to our faith and to dismiss their writings as far as historical events are concerned is ludicrous.  The Talmud is opinion, not fact although it has facts in it.  So no antisemitism is ever allowed on my groups, pages, etc.  We are to love, to good and pray for our enemies.  I don't see the average Jew as my enemy but we still have Pariseeical Jews around today that rejected Jesus for wealth, power and control but I see it in the Christian church as well.

IF you have a strong discerning Spirit, are well grounded in the Word of God, you should hear what the SDA has to say about provable historical events as they pertain to Jesus Christ, especially the books of Daniel and Revelation.  They are 100% right on everything historically in Daniel.  It is amazing but as they teach you all this "amazing" and true things, that's when they spread the lie.  Just like in the Garden, it's very subtle and, in fact, unless you're listening, (and I was and my Spirit was deeply troubled), you'll just accept it without thinking.  One of the first lies is about Jesus being Michael.  Go to;;; and to read up on this.  

How can Sunday worship be the mark of the beast?  The Bible says those who receive this mark, a grievous sore will appear and since I take Jesus literally here even though Revelation is a mixture of both great symbolism and literal meanings, how can an imaginary or non-literal "mark" cos a sore?  Think about this, having the MOB is tied to buying and selling.  Even in the Great Tribulation, people are gonna be even more money hungry than ever and they aren't going to have a problem selling you whatever you want nor buying what you sell because if you don't have the mark, you would sell a $50,000 item for $500 and who wouldn't take that?  What will they do, ask what day you worship?  If you lie and say Saturday, and we all would and you know it, how will they know you're lying?  I has to be literal and able to be clearly seen by others.  

Again, I'm not putting down the SDA church but I will call out the JWs as a cult.  I had a horrible experience with a man who offered to help me learn the OT and when I dared question him on the Michael/Jesus doctrine, all hell broke loose.  I was literally tortured for a year.  I was told I could attend any church or no church but if I did NOT tithe 10% of our money to the SDA church, even if it meant we would get evicted, have our lights turned off, not eat or be unable to feed my pets then I was going to hell.  When I refused as technically I have no income personally, I was demanded to either steal the money out of our checking account even if my David said no, we couldn't afford it (and then, trust me, we couldn't) then I was to divorce him immediately.  

That would mean I still couldn't tithe as I'd literally be homeless without a car, a dime or anything of value.  I'd have to beg or live in a tent in the woods so how would that further the Kingdom of God?  Now, if circumstances arose where we had no choice, we are still to rejoice but this was all about money.  I thought it showed a great lack of mercy and compassion as we are Gentiles and not under the law of tithing.  Even Jews were only required to tithe when they had a Levitical priest.  We have a royal priest in Jesus Christ but by Melchezidek, not a Levite.  We are not nor ever have been under the Mosaic/Jewish law.  We are under Christ.  

Also, Paul is clear that we can esteem one day holier than another or esteem them all alike.  I fall in the later category.  I also believe Saturday is the Sabbath but Jesus fulfilled that law and He is our rest.  We are under grace and truth be told, it was always grace, not the law, even in OT times.  I do wish though we offer Fri/Sat Sabbath worship services.  Lastly, we are also free to eat whatever we want, including pork BUT God is not arbitrary and He gave that law for a very good reason.  They clean the earth and eat awful things and because they can't sweat or release toxins.  Pork is extremely unhealthy as is shellfish and other types of fish UNLESS they have both scales and gills because shellfish and those without both also have no means to release toxins.  Another amazing proof to me that God is our Creator is that (don't quote me on this part) about 30% of all Jews are highly allergic to shellfish.  They are the race that for whatever reason God chose, has an overall higher rate of iodine allergies than the general population.  Today it's not as crucial since we know and people with these allergies always have an epi-pen that will save their life but in Biblical times, unless you ate shellfish and went into anaphylactic shock, ultimately died, you wouldn't know nor have a second chance not to eat it.  So since there was no way to know except to eat it and die, God gave the law not to eat shellfish.  To me, how would evolution know that or give that law that saved millions of Jews?  Why would just a Creator but not one who cared as deists claim, bother giving a law to save humanity if He didn't care about us?  I read a lot on why maybe God made these laws and while we don't have His mind nor can we know fore sure if these are the reasons, it made the law understandable and increased my faith and belief.  On that, we can be wrong.  I'll share more once I find the book as I lost it in the move.  

Anyway, this video doesn't defame any denomination but just gives Biblical reasons on why their doctrine is wrong.  You may disagree but take heed and be not deceived.  What if you believe the MOB is Sun-day worship and not a literal mark and you are wrong?  This makes you more likely to unknowingly accept the mark and not know.

"Be gentle as doves but wise as serpents."  "Be ye not deceived for false prophets will come in My Name seeking to devour and destroy."  

Please be ready for anything.  I believe in a rapture but I don't know when.  I want to be ready if there is a pre-trib rapture and I REALLY want to be ready if I'm wrong.  Watch and work, we can't know.  God bless you all.

Here is Parts 1 and 2.  There are others if you wish to watch those.  Just click on the links on the right-hand side.  Enjoy and God bless!

Part 1

Part 2


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