Monday, March 12, 2018


Right after I got tired of running from God and finally surrendered my life to Him, I sort of went from one extreme to another.  I couldn't find a balance.  Should I watch TV, go to a  movie, read, go on vacation, really stupid questions.  Jesus Christ died to set us free from man-made religious rules and controlling churches.  Is not everything that's made, made because of a gift of God?  That does not mean ALL things made are good OR right for the Christian and that's why, in His infinite wisdom, gave us Spiritual discernment.  I suggest we exercise it every chance we get.  Ask yourself a question that my grandmother, a devout Christian, once told me to ask myself whenever I had doubts...If Jesus were to return while you were doing that, would you be happy or ashamed?  Well, I admit I didn't always take her advice but I sure wish that I had.  It would have saved a ton of heartbreak.

My story is long and probably boring in most places but I can look back and see God's handiwork in my life.  I see how Romans 8:28 proved true over and over in my life ("For as we know, ALL things work to the good, to those who love the Lord, and are called according to His purposes.)  To make it simple, I became "religious" rather than free in Christ.  I only read books related to Him (BIIIIIIIG mistake because of false doctrine); stopped watching any TV shows; watched only faith-based movies (and, to a point I still do that) but did He not also say He came to give us life and life more abundantly?

Yes, in my POV as well as many true men of God (and women) agree that if you do nothing but stay immersed in religion, you will burn out, get bored, frustrated and feel as if there's no real joy in your life.  People, esp Christians, see the word "secular" as sinning.  Is going grocery shopping a Spiritual experience?  No, but it can be.  Is reading a book that shows the depravity of the human heart and ultimate justice and grace a bad thing?  To Kill A Mockingbird is on the no-no list of books Christians should not read yet the Harry Potter series is.  Hmmmm, a little hypocritical in my opinion.  Yes, books have cursing, racial slurs, violence, sex, even pure vulgarity in them but guess what, so does life.  We are not OF this world but we do live here.  I've got a book that's about the KKK from the 60s that has horrible language but I'm well familiar with the author and what the ultimate agenda or purpose will be.  I am going to read it...finally.  I can't shelter myself from this world unless I stay in a controlled environment forever.  I want to enjoy my life.  I am not going to watch a movie, TV show or read any book other than the Bible that is going to change my moral compass.  I do have the ability to discern fiction and nonfiction.  Just like the Left Behind series (which I thoroughly enjoyed for what it was) was a big no-no by certain denominations, let's get real here.  Of course it's not doctrine or gospel.  It's not a nonfiction book as it has not happened yet.  Enjoy it as it's really good.  So is this series about a pastor by Jan Karon.  I highly recommend that one.  

Be careful though on movies and TV, use good discernment and, if need be, have those channels blocked if you have kids.  I am not one for censoring but I've seen the new shows ads and I wouldn't want my dog watching them.  Some are openly about worshiping satan, transgender, normalizing gay and transgender agendas and over- sexualizing kids at a very young age, even to the point of "reality" TV shows parents allowing 5 year olds to change their gender through surgery.  Ridiculous and at this point, the parents and them alone should be the sole deciders of when, how and what their children are taught.  Of course we should teach them not to bully or make fun of LGBTQ or any other group of  people but that does not mean we have to accept, love and embrace it.  "Raise your children in the way it should go and he/she will never depart from it."  Christianity is hated and despised.  Many families are losing their children to the state for raising them in church.  Talk to your kids.  Set firm rules and this may sound harsh and uncaring BUT if your child reports you to CPS for being taken to church, maybe let them go to foster care for a few months and maybe they'll learn a thing or two.

So relax, enjoy your life.  Go have a water gun fight, pillow fight and roast mini marshmallows over a candle on a toothpick while telling stories with the lights off.  Read some good books that don't deal with the occult and tell Bible stories.  Tell them that you are adding to them to make them exciting and when they get older, they'll learn what really happened.  You don't want to really tell a 5 year old the truth (make sure they know it's fiction, not a lie) about the flood.  We all do secular things and secular is not a bad word, it just means one is Spiritual, the other is just normal things we do in life.  We Christians tend to make it sound "bad" when we self-righteously tell others "we don't listen to 'secular' music' read those books, do those things.  Yes, actually you do and you should.  Did Jesus eat with the religious or the sinners?  If you separate yourself and only deal with "Christians" you are a hypocrite and self-righteous.  You're religious.   Play a game of pool with a sinner, make a bet with the odds in your favor that whoever wins, the sinner has to hear 20 minutes of the Gospel."  It sets a good atmosphere and when they don't feel judged, condemned or hated, they are far more open.  Be the LIGHT OF THE WORLD and shine that light so those who are in the dark, see their way clearly to the cross of salvation.

Discern but be free.  This is my POV and if yours is different, then you do what works for you and let the Holy Spirit dictate mine but don't let fear stop you from what God may have planned for you.  He never forces, He gently guides but never inflicts His will on you.  Don't have others' blood on your hands.  Enjoy life and where you are, so is He as don't you know that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit?

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