Saturday, February 3, 2018


I believe every professing Christian should live what they say.  I'll share a really good song about this at the end.  I just made a post about giving thanks to God, especially when we all have "one of THOSE days" when everything seems to go wrong.  No matter how bad it gets, you can always find at least 10 things each day to be grateful for.  I read this in an inspirational newsletter but I'm taking it a step further.  I think we should also find at least 10 things to be excited about for the gift of another day of life.  So, I shall start and please, feel free to share your lists with us too!

Dear God, My Father in Heaven I thank you for allowing me to come boldly into Your presence through the blood of Your Son, Yeshua ah Messiach.  Today I am grateful for the following...

Thank you for the time I got to share with David tonight without arguing;
Thank you for the graham cracker crumbs that I love to eat
For not being too cold while riding my bike to the store
For the thief who tried to steal our bikes last night being unable to take them
For the amazing golden nugget of truth I learned about Your Holy Word
For having enough money on my debit card so that I didn't go into overdraft
That my electricity didn't go out
That my husband got home safely
That David (hubby) met his quota and now his commission goes from $2 to $5 ea
That my sister had another day being cancer-free

Tomorrow, I am excited that I get to worship and glorify you by...

Going to a new church I love for the first time
I get to hear a performance at church using only bells
I get another day to share the Gospel
I will fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus
David and I have a "date" 
I get to cook and bake
I get to sign up for stained glass making classes and it is so affordable
If it rains, I get to spend more time building my Gospel and other blog for You
If it doesn't rain, David and I are going for another 5 mile bike ride
A day when you will find ways to delight, amaze and bless me with surprises!

I am always grateful for the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, for without that, we would have no hope, no life, no salvation.  As much as that cross is shameful, as much as it breaks my heart, it means we are free from sin and hell.  That is the greatest gift ever given.  I absolutely love the empty tomb!

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