Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Hello, my dear ones in our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.  I hope you're having a blessed week and 2 more days to go!  I can't wait for Sunday because my husband found a church and has been attending regularly, now I am and while not perfect and a wee bit more "formal and ritualistic" than I am familiar with, it's filled with Godly men and women, a lot of young people and every age group.  I also like more diversity but there's enough so that I feel it's all-inclusive to people other than just one race.  The only people that are not included in the "club" is those who are yet to be saved but are well on their way.  By that I mean they are more than welcome in our church, they are loved, included in all things such as Bible Study, groups, etc.  The "club" I'm referring to is the Kingdom of God.  You must be born again.  Which, btw, is God's rule, not mine but who would I be to even think of changing His laws?  Christianity is exclusive.  All are invited but you have to agree to His terms.  That's all I meant by that before someone comes across this and calls me a name (like I care).  I'm a walking, talking offense to this unbelieving world.  Oh, Jesus was 100% right, of course, that the world will hate us, persecute and even kill us because of His Name.  

So, my husband has made a decision to believe God and that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, fully man/fully God.  He is the way, the truth and the life; the only way to the Father is through Him.  I tried for 5 years to get him to go to church and nothing.  I surrendered it to God and it took a few months.  Now I'm Mrs. Christian here, right?  Well, ever since we found this church, he attends every time the doors are open but it took me 3 weeks to go.  Why?  I don't like getting up earlier than 10 or 11 in the a.m.  I was lazy.  Now I can't wait to go.  This Sunday is gonna be so great.  The services are amazing in and of themselves but we're having a chili cook-off and I can't believe I did this but I entered the contest, lol.  Not good at much but I can cook!  However, I could use some recipes.  I want to do mild, medium and hot.  It goes to our youth group.  Oh, and I misunderstood.  This particular Presbyterian church has chosen NOT to participate in homosexual marriages but please do not ask me the name.  While the corporate church gives them permission to opt in OR out, we opted out.  See, I'm seeing it as my home church.  We have decided to join.

I want to do a post on Biblical marriage and how we have made it 30 years this Sept.  Oh, and David finally said fine the first time I asked as I ask each year) but we are going to get "married" on our anniversary.  We are legally wed but we want to redo our vows and change nothing.  Hey, it worked the first time so why mess with it?  Honestly, it's literally a miracle we are not only together still but are  happier than ever.  Our bond cannot be broken.  Put God first and I promise if you obey His rules on marriage, fully understanding was submitting means and it is not the woman being less than or a slave to their husband, and your marriage will work.  Also, your spouse is not your best friend either.  They should be the one you love and treasure THE MOST on this earth.  The only higher priority is Father; Son and Holy Spirit.  Don't cheat, lie or hurt your spouse and use all the fruits of the Spirit to the best of your God-given ability.  Endure and be patient, in all things pray and listen to that still, small voice.  He will never lead you to divorce.  However, if your spouse physically or in any way is abusive, get out and call the police.  You're not their punching bag.  Just wanted to clear that up.  

So, Wednesdays and Sundays are my nights off the computer.  Sunday I allow myself 2 hours while hubby naps but that is OUR day to worship our Savior and be a family.  I'll be on during the day every day but some Tuesdays and Sundays.  I will try to have my blog ready to publish as it takes less than 15 minutes to post 10-12 different ones.  I'll do my communities as time allows.  God bless and please pray for David that he grows but one thing about him, once he makes a decision, he never backs least on major issues.  God amazes me in how He works.  Oh, and David got saved despite my help, I had nothing to do with it except to get in the Holy Spirit's way.  It's humbling but true.   I can still almost hear Him tell me when I said I give him to you...."Brenda, it's about time you get out of my way," lol.  

Much love in Christ Jesus and be sure to LOVE MUCH in return!  It is the second greatest commandment!  Read the LOVE chapter...1st Corinthians 13.  Beautiful.

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