Monday, February 5, 2018


The title of this is....

2018...The Bible Says This is Exactly How it Would Look Before the End

It's done by a YouTube Ministry called "The Watchman" but I haven't researched them but have heard some of their previous videos.  I do not agree with all they say but I'm not one to throw out the baby with the bath water.  We need to learn and practice discernment.  I think every true Christian is right AND wrong.  These are opinions and thoughts and the fact is, we don't know.  I think it's wise to be aware of what is going on and how it could be a huge warning sign that we are in the end times.  We may not be...God is full of grace and love for mankind but one day, time will be up.  I don't know if these are false prophets but I do know that every single person of God is on someone's "list" of false teachers.  I have yet to find one single pastor or ministry that is not.  We know the real wolves like Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, etc. but just being wrong makes us fallible humans, not false prophets.  Don't ever claim to speak for God.  He sealed the Book!  God bless and learn!

And here's a few more with similar titles if you want to watch these too.  May or may not be the same.  There are many more in this series and you can go to YouTube and Type in the name of any of these videos and the others will be there too.  Please let me know if you find them radically unBiblical.  By that I mean veers way off of the Bible, not just opinion-based.  We ALL have our thoughts and concerns.  Take it to God in prayer, you'll be amazed at what He will teach you in His way, not yours.  He is not speaking to us audibly today but in His Word.  It is sufficient for everything.  "Do not add nor take away from the prophecy in this Book."  Strong warning by Jesus Christ!  I advise us all to listen.

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