Thursday, February 1, 2018


I admit I struggle with the right answer on this.  Part of me is screaming NO but the other part is saying hold on.....

Written by Brenda Alexander
February 1, 2018

I found an amazing church last night and one that not only my husband is willing to go but WANTS to go and is even excited about a special performance by the music worship team (or whatever they call them) and they use only bells.  We got to hear a few minutes of it and it was beautiful and unlike anything we'd seen in a church before.  Quite honestly, I don't like CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) very much although there are exceptions.  I do love Dallas Holm but while his music is more upbeat, unlike these new bands, his concerts are free, the words are not repetitive (My God Reigns over and over and over and over and over) and tell Biblical truths but more importantly, the Gospel and it's the right one!  I'll soon be sharing a trailer for a movie called "I Can Only Imagine" and why it was written.  It is the #1 selling song in this genre ever.  It will be powerful.

The issue is, I knew going in there was a possibility they'd perform gay weddings BUT it has not been an issue nor do they expect it to be.  This is just a thought I'd like to share and see what you guys think.  We hear about bakers, Kim Davies, and other people of the Christian faith being sued and losing for failure to participate in gay weddings and Jesus Christ told us we'd better count the cost of discipleship and if we're not WILLING to lose everything we have for Him, we are not worthy of Him.  I think there's ways around this that would prevent this and maybe I'll share some of those ideas, depending on much I yak, lol.   

Here is what I truly believe is going on.  This country is divided and in a mess.  There's no middle ground.  You're either on the right or the left (and we know what the Bible says about the right and left).  For example, the goats will be separated from the sheep and will be on the left hand side of Yeshua (Jesus) Christ and the sheep on the right.  Jesus Christ is sitting at the RIGHT hand of the Father.  Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.  There's others but I can't think of them and you  know them too.  

What I see (and guess what, I might be know, not right.  What's that word again?  Wro....okay, wrong.  Nobody likes to admit they're wrong, lol.  However, it's my opinion that they don't really truly want this bakery to make their cake because they make the greatest wedding cakes ever (and maybe they do) but it's to "make a statement."  They want their 15 minutes of fame and further damage the Body of Christ and believe they're showing we're bigots, homophobes, racists, white supremists, misogynists, and, as Hillary Clinton would say, "a basket of deplorables."  I kinda find it amusing an unbeliever claims to know what a Christian is when at times, we don't know the right response, especially in these situations.

We don't want to be judgmental and we're not homophobes.  However, anybody who protests at a Gay Pride Parade with signs that say "God hates fags" or any such nonsense I would not say is a Christian or born again and if so, they aren't even mature enough to drink milk.  They've been taught hate, not love.  I didn't think there were degrees of sin.  "We all sin and fall short of the glory of God."  You and I are liars, thieves, murderers, worship idols (maybe unknowingly but we do, esp. money), and we're blasphemers.  Who here hasn't failed to honor their parents?  Does God hate us?  No, He loved us enough to send His Son, His ONLY Son, to die for us.  Does that exclude homosexuals?  Our job is to get them saved.  Once saved, the Holy Spirit will lead them out of willful sin.  It may not happen overnight but I know a few who overcame this and went on to get married and raise a child.  It's an awesome testimony and I will share their story one day but will change some facts and names so no one will know them.  In fact, I know several couples like this so I'll combine the two, not to deceive but to glorify God.  

I feel these people with their unBiblical agendas are targeting Christian businesses and churches for money, fame, and to get on television and the internet to be applauded and worshiped for standing up for their beliefs.  They are intentionally persecuting the Body of Christ.  This case in the Supreme Court is not even about the baker refusing to make the cake as he offered to sell him anything in the store.  What he would not do is bless it.  Making cakes is a work of art.  My sister made the most beautiful wedding cakes I've ever seen and it was art.  IF they wanted that cake because it IS the best tasting cake, they weren't there to persecute and sue but truly wanted his cake, why couldn't (or didn't) they buy one and take it to another bakery that can and is willing to decorate it whoever they wish?  Problem solved.  I just don't believe that's the case.  It's persecution 90% of the time.  

Churches are under extreme pressure from both the state and federal government to perform gay weddings.  I'm not sure if they're under pressure to ordain homosexual ministers yet but I know many churches do.  I'm sure many feel caught in a nightmare.  They know the right thing to do but if they refuse, they'll lose their tax exempt status and many small, Bible preaching true churches, will have to close down.  We are going to be left with mega churches that are false prophets/teachers, wolves and outright charlatans who will then be in charge of how we can worship.  Are we getting close to the beast system?  I've never seen so much Biblical prophecy fulfilled in the last 10-12 years combined in my 57 years of life.  It seems like daily another prophecy is fulfilled.  

We are guaranteed freedom of worship in the Constitution.  Separation of Church and State was not for the government but for the Church.  Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to a Baptist church assuring them that no government agency could interfere or dictate who they had to worship.  It was for the Church's sake, not the world's but that's not what is being taught anymore.  Most people think it's the opposite AND it's a Constitutional right for them to be free from us.  "Let God be true and every man a liar."  We allowed this to happen to our children and grandchildren.  It's not their fault.  We didn't raise them right.  We bought into the lies of psychologists and don't discipline your children because it might damage their self-esteem.  You don't have to win a game to get an award, you just have to show up and sometimes not even then.  When did we start rewarding GOOD behavior and stop using authority to correct BAD behavior?  How many of you get a pat on the back (or expect one) for doing your job?  Isn't doing the right thing good enough?  Jesus said "don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing."  What He means is this...don't go bragging and boasting about your "good" deeds.  You do it because God commands it, not to be known as a philanthropist.  I even see many Christians brag that they give more than 10% of their tithes or maybe they brag that they give to the penny exactly 10% and not a dime more.  First, we are not under the tithing law.  We are to give cheerfully.  But I digressed a bit so let me get back on track.

This church has so many opportunities for me to go out and share the Gospel, help the needy, and get my hands dirty.  I want to feed the hungry with food and with the Bread of Life.  I'll scrub toilets.  I don't care what God asks of me, I want to serve Him.  I have no "me" agenda.  I know my strengths and what I hope I eventually get to do and if it is God's will, it will happen.  Maybe it doesn't matter to God if we choose to teach or feed the poor.  It's all the same to Him.  No one is greater or lesser.  Take a leap of faith and doors will start opening for you.  What are we waiting for, God to tell us "I want you to teach Sunday School?"  It doesn't work that way.  Oh, and you may have to scrub toilets at first until you are ready to start a ministry.  I jumped right in to make this blog and I look back and see how many errors I made.  I was not ready.  

So, even though I don't agree that any church should perform gay marriages as it goes against the teachings of both the Old AND New Testament.  It's different than misinterpreting a verse by accident, this is knowing and willful.  Our choices are getting smaller and smaller and we're going to have to face some very hard challenges soon.  They preach the truth of the Bible, the right Gospel of Salvation and the true Christ Jesus.  I feel God led me there and it was a fluke, it really was.  I'm going in this with my eyes wide open and maybe I can make a difference in someone's life in a eternal way of salvation.  Maybe it may be for a gay person who is struggling.  I'm tired of judgment when I'm as much a sinner as they are.  If they love God, with Him nothing is impossible.  Oh, and all the other churches in my area allow gay marriages so I either forsake church or I go to worship my Savior and that is all I plan to do.  What would YOU do?  God bless and much love and love much in Christ Jesus!

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