Thursday, December 21, 2017


This gives you a quick overview of the TRUTH of what prophecy is and is not.  It is NOT a crystal ball that tells the future.  You can't be a "prophet" and not be pretty much spot on 100% of the time.  Ellen G. White, Russel Taze Moore. John Smith and these new modern day prophets with new "revelations from God" but are wrong 99.9% of the time are not prophets.  I've made statements like "within 10 years, I bet they start normalizing pedophilia."  Well, it happened but was it prophecy?  Did God give me extra Biblical revelations?  I can't say for sure that He didn't BUT the reason I said it was based on history.   When gay marriage became "legal," personally it didn't upset me because I don't believe a license on earth and saying some words make you married in God's eyes.  God determined that marriage is between one man and one woman.  Are gays married in God's eyes?  I doubt it.  They are living in sin as much as two heterosexuals not married living together outside of marriage.  There's something important about making an oath to love, honor, cherish and obey your spouse until death do you part.  It's a covenant promise!  In the OT, if someone claimed to be a prophet and was found to be false, they were to be killed!  God takes prophecy seriously and Jesus Christ warns us strongly not to add to or take away from the book.  Every modern day prophet has been wrong.  Date-setting the rapture or 2nd coming is dangerous.  How many times does God have to tell you that YOU CANNOT KNOW?  You can take a guess but stop it saying it is GOING to happen because when/if it does not, you make us look more like fools to the world and it hurts the true Church...the Body of Christ.  

Do this, write down about 25-50 "predictions" for 2018.  Pray or don't, go by the Word or not, but I bet a few occur and most do not.  Say it's 50%.  Well, you were wrong 50% of the time too.  We look around at the world, what is going on and the reasoning and logical part of our brains are quite capable of seeing what is most likely to spring out of any given new law, such as bathrooms, transgenders and gay marriages.  It's only reasonable that maybe 3 people want to marry each other.  Once that clear line is removed, it opens up for every other group who wants this or that too.  Now it's fine to sue Christians for not celebrating their homosexual marriages.  Our rights don't matter.  Only theirs do.  We are being persecuted.  

Stop with the "Thus sayeth the Lord," and say this is a possible day for this reason and explain your thoughts but if you ever hope to be taken seriously again, share the Gospel AND especially prove the Bible is truth, stop hindering it.  Prophecy is done.  What I DO believe is we are given a clear understanding of prophecy already foretold, such as the "explosion of knowledge."  Who could have imagined the internet and technology we have today?  Yet now we recognize what He was saying.  There has no doubt been an explosion of knowledge (Spiritual and secular) and it's growing by leaps and bounds.  

What about the anti-christ who will sit in the temple and say he is God.  I don't know the verses by heart but supposedly he will be given the ability to speak blasphemous things by the false prophet or dragon (satan).  Could it be a 3-D "idol" that through artificial intelligence is able to speak and fool the world into worshiping him (it) AS God?  It makes sense to me but I don't know if that's His plan or not.

Last, the Mark of the Beast.  Is it an RFID chip?  I know the SDA church says it's SUNday worship and not a literal mark.  I disagree based on key Biblical passages.  One, it deals with buying and selling.  How would a cashier know the day you worship without a visible "mark" of some type.  It could be a tattoo. We don't know.  The Bible also says those who receive it in their right hand or forehead, it will cause great sores to come upon them.  Again, how can a metaphorical mark cause sores?  That doesn't make logical sense or inline with what the Bible says about it.  The number 666 is not a scary number.  I use to freak out when it showed up on a receipt.  It's only an identifier, not a spooky, demonic number.  Don't ever give that thing (satan) one inch of power over you.

We seem to be in the end times.  My best "prophetic" advice I can give you is this...

(a) Get right and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord God and Savior
(b) Get grounded in the Word of God
(c) Make sure you have the right Gospel/Jesus according to 1st Cor 15:1-11
(d) Trust only that Christ Jesus's blood can save you, not works, money, etc.
(e)  Watch and work
(f)  Sow seeds of salvation
(g)  Be ready for a pre-trib rapture and be ready in case there isn't one.  
(h)  Be ye NOT deceived
(i)  Turn from sin but know God alone is author and finisher of our salvation
(j)  Accept that you are sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption

I can't find much information on these guys.  They sound like Godly men with sound doctrine and are not a part of these new and improved "churches" that are nothing more than dangerous cults and wolves seeking to devour and destroy.  IF you know them to be a part of this new NAR movement, Word of Faith, Little "gods" doctrine; etc., please alert me immediately.  I couldn't find anything bad on them.  I will never knowingly share false prophets or teachings but I willget things wrong.  Please make it credible and not some random unknown website or blog but back it up with facts.  I am also not going to be a part of humiliating or calling a man/woman of God what they are not.  Let's practice discernment.

Much love and LOVE MUCH in Christ Jesus!

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