Friday, December 15, 2017


I  try to make things fun and/or funny whenever possible so long as it's clean.  I've never cared for vulgar jokes or major adult humor but puns and jokes that can be a little bit off-color, so long as it does not dishonor God or even hint for someone to sin, I am personally okay with that to a small degree. However, because that's not sin to me doesn't mean it is not a sin or stumbling block to other Christians. I wouldn't share an off-color joke on here.  IF I drank the occasional drink...which I do not...I would keep that to myself.  The Bible doesn't forbid it but what if my brethren are alcoholics?  I will not knowingly be a stumbling block to my brothers and sisters.  Also, there's no specific thing this post is about, just sharing.

The Apostle Paul said, "ALL things are lawful to me but not all things are profitable."  It's fine if we eat non-Kosher food today as Christians but that doesn't mean because we are allowed to eat pork or shellfish, that it's GOOD for us.  It doesn't profit us in any way but does, in fact, cause us physical problems (or it can).  He's telling us, as I was told, that that we are totally free of the Law of Moses, we are under a NEW Covenant with Almighty God though His Son, Yeshua ah Messiach (Jesus Christ) and have liberty.  We CAN go see a movie if we want to but we are not to ask or even mention that movie to another brother or sister in Christ who may feel that it is wrong for them to go to movies, especially true for the newborns or the newly saved Christians who are (and as we all will be until death) in the process of maturing in the Word, grace and the Gospel.  

A man once told me that we are convicted by the Holy Spirit of something we do in our lives that are in no way sins and don't dishonor God at all BUT it IS a stumbling block or a personal sin to them.  He then said the Holy Spirit convicted him of drinking Cokes.  He said he didn't know why God chose to convict him to stop drinking any soda, pop, cola or whatever you call it.  He went on to say though that he'd be more than happy to buy a Coke (the soda, not the drug, lol) for me.  

I was a bit confused about this but I was 16 and while a firm believer, I had no idea what the Bible really says.  BTW, I almost said...what the Bible really SAID instead of says and I want to caution you about that.  What the Bible SAID 2,000 years ago, it is STILL SAYING it today.  Use some common sense and discernment on this and it also depends on the context, Old or New Testament and what your message is (as this is not a hard and fast "rule") but when we say SAID instead of SAYS, some nonbelievers may say or think it said that 4,000 years ago but it's not saying it now.  God never changes.  He is the same yesterday, tomorrow and forever.  If God said "Thou shalt not kill" when He gave the 10 Commandments to Moses in the burning bush many centuries ago, He meant it then, today and every single day.  So, for the sake of the Canon and keeping it pure and infallible, let's use words that tell others that God changes not.  Genesis 1:1 was written for every single person ever born as is John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-9, the Gospels, Acts, and every God-breathed inspired Word in that glorious Book of all books.  Let God be true and every man a liar.  Of course this is my opinion based on the Bible and exercising my God-given ability to discern His Word.  

The Bible is being attacked as never before.  The word "world" in the Bible, usually refers to unbelievers but you also have to take into account the context, who the person is talking to, what they're saying and discern if it's referring to sinful and unrepentant people.  "For God so loved the WORLD...." I take it to mean both believers and nonbelievers; Jews and gentiles, men and women, etc.  But when Jesus Christ says for we live in this "world" but we are not a part of this "world," I believe He's referring to both the physical plane as well as we are not partakers of the sins of "the world" which would, of course, mean the unbeliever.  Justin Peters, a very Godly man, said that every verse has one meaning but many applications.  

Learning to discern the Bible is an amazing journey of growing in the Word.  When you first realize you understood something perfectly that you'd struggled with for years, it is what I call a "faith bomb" because it's mind blowing and so amazing you want to just scream GLORY BE TO GOD from the top of a mountain.  Guess what, you don't get EVER get over that feeling either, as it just gets better and better every single time.  This is especially true when you get to one you NEVER thought you'd understand.  You can't help but give Him the glory.  No room for one doubt that it didn't come from God.  If it came from YOUR understanding, you'd have gotten it long before and you'd probably have been wrong, lol.  It's also amazing when you find that what a verse you thought meant one thing but come to find out it means something else, that's another "faith bomb."  So from now on, consider the context of my posts but FB refers to "faith bomb" rather than FaceBook.  I'll put up a list of "Brenda's Biblical Internet Slang" on the right hand side of my blog later this evening or over the weekend (unless I forget). I'll write myself a note.

My intent was to restart my sharing of every day's new Hebrew word that I used to share almost every day.  Unless they were words referring to God, and just regular words like alligator or light bulb, I would bring out my awesome gift of a sense of humor (I do have one and it IS a special gift from God) and "pretend" to be the greatest comedian on Blogspot, and make them fun and/or funny.  I've thought of some new ways to make them fun so each day will be a surprise!  Today's is gonna be really funny, I hope. You're gonna have to guess the word and later on, I'll post it. Help me make my blog a fun, enjoyable and inspirational blog.  However, it is a GOSPEL-PREACHING, UNCOMPROMISING and an "IN YOUR FACE GOSPEL" page first and foremost.  Christian Apologetics, teaching, learning, studying the Word of God and getting the WORLD's rear ends saved is my ONLY priority.  The rest is to get people to want to read it.  FYI, some of the titles of my posts MAY be very misleading from now on!  For example, I saw a YouTube video that made me angry.  The title was something like "How to Prove that Christianity is False."  It was short and I sometimes listen to them to know what atheists claim so I can find Biblical answers and know how to rapid-fire "defend my faith." It was by High Impacts (not the right name but close -- will share this awesome video tonight) and it was NOT what I expected.  Oh, it was how to prove Christianity false with one answer (close enough).  Ultimately, it was ALL about the Gospel and the only way to disprove Christianity is to prove that Jesus Christ did NOT rise from the grave.  It is an awesome series of videos.  They draw on a dry erase board and speed up the film so it's fun to watch and awesome to hear.  


Many very well educated, highly intelligent men and women have spent countless years of their lives trying to prove that Jesus Christ didn't rise and to date, exactly ZERO (0, naught, zip, nobody ever) people have been able to prove that.  Listen to Lee Stroebel's "A Case for Christ" or Dinesh D'Souza's book called "What SO Great About Christianity" to see that no one can even come close to proving that but rather when Lee investigated the Resurrection, he was an Op-Ed journalist for a big-wig newspaper in Chicago, brilliant man who wanted no part of God in his life, got so mad when his wife got saved that he spent 2 years doing nothing but investigating the claims.  He was determined to kick God out of his home even though he said his marriage was getting better and better but God was NOT in his plans but all he succeeded in doing -- thank you God -- is convince himself that God is real, the Bible is truth and like Dinesh said, Christianity has done more good for this world than every religion put together since time began. 

Last and then I'll be quiet for a few, the Pharisees (the elite Jewish men and Rabbis in Christ's time) as well as the Roman government was desperate to prove the same thing and there is actually more secular proof of the Resurrection TRUTH than Biblical. IF Yeshua ah Messiach had been "just a man" and not the Son of the One True Living God, they'd have found His body.  People had to go into a pit where they just threw crucified men into after death to find His body!  I'm sure they didn't like their jobs very much either.  They bribed the guards to lie that they'd fallen asleep and the Disciples stole His body and while I'm not sure if they did or not, I do believe they told the truth, that an angel appeared and a sealed tomb that could not possibly have been rolled away by 2-3 men as that stone weighed many tons and was nailed shut with spikes bigger than our arms.  So better men than anyone alive today have tried...and failed...majorly that Jesus did NOT rise from the grave.  The fact is, archaeologists believe they have found the genuine tomb of Jesus Christ and there are markings showing that the tomb was sealed and it fits in perfectly with every OT Messianic prophecy ever written.  

I have no real point to this post except to share some facts I've learned during my journey to Heaven.  While not always easy, it's simple.  WE make it far more difficult than God did.  Our Heavenly Father saved us by grace alone; through faith alone; through Christ alone.  He is the narrow gate that leads to everlasting life in the presence of God.  He did it all.  There's nothing you can do to build on it, complete it, or earn it.  You sure can't buy it!  


Learn the basics of Christian Apologetics
Get grounded in the Word of God
Pray, pray and then pray some more
Put on the full armor of God
Study and show yourself approved
Be and good Berean who studies the scriptures daily to see if these things were so and.....

And most importantly...


If you do those 2 greatest commandments, you have fulfilled the law!

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