Monday, December 18, 2017


I tried to find a way to make this a fun game but I used all my creativity baking banana bread and choosing ingredients on MY recipes for meringue cookies.  So light and airy, a soft version of "fortune" cookies but without a fortune except God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.  We are fortunate enough by Almighty Yahwey.  What else do we need?  So, I'll share a funny, true and in retrospect, what should have scared the dickens out of us but didn't.  So, today's word is "DELIVERY."

My David used to drive a...

for a living and we got to see almost all 48 of the continental U.S. states.  I went to places I never dreamed I'd go.  I was in NYC 4 days after 9/11.  It was horrible but in a way I can't explain ever you saw the immense greatness of Yahwey's love, grace, mercy, compassion and maybe even the pain He felt towards us that day.  This is NOT the funny part but this is a tribute...

Since kids were out of the house and I didn't have a job yet, I was very blessed to be able to go everywhere with him.  We went to the Mall of America, MAINE, best cheese ever is in Wisconsin, Chicago 4 times and Lakeshore Drive is absolutely gorgeous.  Got to go to a casino for the first time ever and actually won enough money to go to the indoor amusement park at the Mall of America, which was all I wanted anyway!  Vermont is amazing as is the Grand Canyon.  

Breckenridge, Colorado is almost perfect.  A lake so clear it's almost invisible.  It's an elite ski area but the chalets and raw beauty of God's handiwork and until you rounded the curve, you had NO idea what you were about to see.  Did I believe in God then?  Oh, absolutely I did but was I living for Him? Uhhh, do I have to answer, lol?  No but I firmly believe that these fun "trips," God had some plans.  I can't say exactly when or where things started changing...I THINK it was at the Grand Canyon, when I took my very first baby step home.  I looked out and remember this as clear as day, this is NO accident.  Nothing could have created this out of a speck of cosmic space dust and how do you explain where that cosmic dust originated.  You cannot create a thing, not even dust, unless there's something there to cause the dust to come into existence.  Sorry but evolution just boggles my mind.  Does the picture below REALLY make sense to you?


Okay, let's get to my funny story and pray you've read this entire post. It's the very beginning of a very ungrateful prodigal daughter, thinking she knows better than our God because I have a very long testimony.  

As I said, David and I went on many trips and right after 9/11, when all planes were grounded for at least a week, we had to take a trip to Memphis to drop off some copyrighted brochures (which weighed a ton) and then...we had to make a "delivery" to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana....

to deliver a little thing called....

A BOMB! What?  A real (not filled) but very real bomb!  It wasn't loaded, of course, but in the wrong hands, it could have caused a catastrophe. I was too stupid and having too much "fun" to be scared. I thought it was this great adventure!

Well, we get to the base and and have all the paperwork ready along with our IDs.  We knew we had to handle this with some thought and care.  Well, protocol demands any truck that comes to the base is met by a marine.  He was so nice.  He politely asked us what we were carrying.  The paperwork was a bit vague.  David told him not to freak out but...we had a bomb. 

Yeah, right was his response and he started laughing.  He then had to go check it out and the next thing I heard was a string of words I refuse to use here but he said "IT IS A @#%#  #%#^ BOMB!  Men like this came from everywhere!

I didn't hear anything else but what happened next FREAKED ME OUT.  Within seconds I looked out the window and saw about 25 men and I have no idea how many of these pointed at my head!  I assure you, it is not fun.  I must give our marines credit, they did their job and did it well but I never once felt fear, just "I want my mommy," lol.

So, for the next 6 hours, while awaiting an escort to get that blasted bomb off that truck and it just not fun to have these pointed at you for hours.  You sit still, keep your mouth shut and pray nature doesn't call you.

Thank you God for keeping us safe but please, once in a lifetime is quite fine.  What is so wonderful is knowing that His power is way bigger than the biggest weapon on earth.  "For if God is with us, who can come against us?"

I pray you enjoyed my little true story.  I love telling it and I may embellish some of my play stories, not this one.It is 100 truth. Oh, and I didn't tell me mom what we were really delivering until after we left the base.  Even at 40, she wouldn't have let me go and I would have either lied or stayed home.  Even though I was living for me at the time, I would not have been able to handle going knowing how terrified she would have been.  You know, if we'd start treating people with respect, we wouldn't need all this political correctness nonsense!   Enjoy the pictures below that show some of the other gorgeous creations.


Breckenridge, Colorado

Buttes in Utah

The Mississippi River

Kennebunkport Maine

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