Sunday, November 26, 2017


I'm going to be doing some very different things online very soon.  I am not a minister or pastor, do not feel called to be and while it is my opinion based on the writings of the Apostle Paul, I do not believe women were created to be our Spiritual pastors BUT I do feel very strongly that women have just as an important role in the Church as men but because we are different in the way we look, think, feel and especially in the authority we've been given, our roles is no more or less important than the actual pastor.  Just a question, is it even in the Bible that we are to have just ONE man who is head of it?  If so, isn't that Christ Jesus?  Did they have to go to universities and get fancy degrees to teach the Word of God?  I don't see it but then again, I'm just a born again Christian, unlearned and don't have a diploma with a bunch of fancy letters behind it either.  I just love Him and He loves me.  I even read that in many churches today being born again is no longer a requirement to be a minister, pastor, reverend (which I will NEVER call a church revere God, not man) and definitely not father or rabbi.  Jesus specifically mentions "call no man father for you have but ONE Father in Heaven.  Call no man Rabbi (or teacher) for yo have no other teacher than God.  I've noticed when "men/women" run the churches, there is much division, disagreements, contentions, arguing, separation, boasting and abuse but in churches where they rely on Christ Jesus alone to lead their church buildings, they may not make $2 through $3 billion a year but they live good lives, devoted to sacrificing any serving. 

Tithing in the Bible went only to Levitical priests.  Jesus Christ is NOT a Levite but He is from the royal priesthood of Melchezidek. Today we have churches making billions a year, tax free, they lie and cheat from you, promising a healing that never comes which can cause someone to believe God rejected them.  Trust me on this, there isn't a man, woman or child who is NOT in need of a Spiritual physician.  We all need His healing but as I understand the Bible (no fancy letters, remember) but we are promised nothing but healing of our sins.  Yes, Jesus Christ and the Apostles were able to physically heal people but He didn't heal everyone.  Nowhere do I see where we are promised physical healings.  To see the such as Benny Hinn, the Copelands, Jesse DuPlantis and many others do false/fake healings to make millions of dollars, live like royalty, have private jets, super expensive cars, houses worth more than 100 of my family will make together their whole lives.  For about a month, recently we literally didn't know how we would eat.  Yet we did.  It wasn't steak and lobster, no $250 bottles of wine and yet I was filled to overflowing because I had food to fill my belly but as it is written, "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."  My meal may have only cost us around $8 for both but my Spiritual meal was priceless.  

I don't know anything about Pastor Billy Crone or Olive Tree Ministries.  I checked and couldn't find but a few obscure references about him being a "false prophet" but if I go by that, I can't share anyone for every pastor I've researched, from the church down the road all the way to the obvious liars like Benny Hinn (he had a heart attack while healing someone so "physician, heal thyself), Joel Osteen, the Copelands, etc. that we born again Christians with even with very little understanding of the Bible (like me and the Old Testament) can discern they are wolves in wolves clothing.  They no longer even pretend.  I also ask that you specifically pray for Mike Murdoch.  He's not as "famous" as the others but his sowing seeds of money doctrine is terrifying.  He claims if you want your credit card debt be cleared up immediately, take that credit card and send HIM (mike murdoch only) $1,000,that God will erase that.  Ask yourself this one question, is God your GOD, the love of your life and Who died for you or do you consider Him as a means of getting rich?  Oh,God will bless you immensely, sometimes even monetarily for giving but as for me, I'd rather have His wonderful blessings.  God created the world through Christ Jesus.  He died for us after humbling Himself into a mere man all to reconcile us to Him.  What else do you want or need?   To be saved, First Corinthians 15:1-11.  For we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, through Christ Jesus alone.  Not works.  It is a FREE GIFT.  Accept Him now because there may not be another day!

God bless and much love in Christ Jesus to you all!


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