Saturday, September 2, 2017


God has laid a big burden on my heart for the Church and the unbelievers.  I've listened to so many who are 99% sure the rapture will happen on that day.  In fact, I heard one Messianic Rabbi say he is so sure that if it doesn't happen, he won't know what to believe. That is very troublesome to me.  

Jesus Christ warned us there would be signs and wonders in Heaven BEFORE that day, not ON that day.  Could something significant happen?  Of course and honestly, I think each day brings us major events but not all are blasts, some are whispers.  

Brothers and sisters in Christ, any beginner Bible reader can discern the times.  I personally think it's dangerous for these videographers and newsletters -- and some pastors -- who almost literally guarantee the "rapture" of the church on 9/23 and I fear what will happen to their faith and belief if it doesn't occur.  Is the pastor going to lose credibility and the physical church as well as the Body of Christ going to become so discouraged that they'll begin to walk away.  Date-setting is a bad idea.

Let's look at the unbelievers.  They hear us preaching this.  Of course the vast majority are laughing at us but it may very well be convicting some.  So, the Church is going to lose even more credibility than ever.  Something major was supposed to happen in September 2015 but it wasn't the rapture, of course, (and I realize many do not believe in a pre-trib rapture and I'm speaking to you as well) but COULD something major have happened on that day that was a whisper rather than a bang?  Well, yeah I do.  Look how fast America has descended into depravity in the last 2 years.  

Stop date-setting but rather share the Gospel because we don't know.  Are we in the end times?  Oh yeah.  No doubt because if God doesn't intervene (and He will), we won't exist in 50 years.  It is so close to the rise of the a/c than ever before.  Everyone is demanding peace and safety as NEVER before.  The fact is, the rapture, the 2nd coming, the great tribulation could start tonight or in 5 minutes.  It may be 10 plus years.  Our great commission is to get people saved, not preach the day He is returning.  Don't hurt the Body of Christ but at the same time, I personally wouldn't overlook the possibility that something of great magnitude will happen near or even on that date.  

Now, having said that, there's a few things I've learned that's very unique about the solar eclipse and 9/23.  Two years ago we had 4 blood moons.  That's very significant.  Things have gone rapidly downhill.  Jesus Christ said that the only "sign" that would be given is Jonah and the fish.  Did you know that shortly before Jonah warned them, I believe it was 40 days before, there was a complete solar eclipse.  I think Jonah has many signs we may be overlooking.  Sometimes you have to go outside scripture to know some things.  It does not make the Word of God any less true but rather the opposite, it upholds the Bible.  The other sign, of course, is the death/burial/resurrection.  We seem to latch on to one thing and are blind to others.  We are a unique generation, there is an explosion of knowledge.  Pay attention but preach the Gospel and then pray what to say if asked about these signs.  We want them in the Body of Christ on 9/24/17 too.  Be ready in season and out.  God bless and love in Christ Jesus.

A good video on this is below.  God bless and much love in Christ Jesus!

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