Monday, August 14, 2017


As you know, I don't usually post political things on here but I feel as if I've been transported to another planet.  I wrote this on facebook and want to share it here because I know no one is ignorant of the idiocy that is pervading our country on all sides.  Come on, the most feared, hate-filled group that call themselves "Christian" MAY be rising up again? One of my biggest fears but yet one I told my husband was already regrouping and it wouldn't be long before they became active.  Let me make this perfectly clear...I had NO, ZERO, NADA information NOR am I a prophet and certainly never a psychic.  I call it something it seems not many people have anymore and that is called "common sense" and looking at what is going on around us with all the violence, protests, murders, slaughtering of innocent lives just going about their daily lives who may or may not like Trump, Hillary or even CARE who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  People are afraid to put a bumper sticker on their care or wear a hat that's red, regardless of whether the name Donald Trump is on it.  Wear a red shirt?  Are you kidding me?  

You may or may not have noticed that I haven't participated in groups or my blog for quite a while.  I shared a few things now and then but there's a two-fold reason.  One, my dog died. I have been miserable with grief and I withdraw from others.  The MAIN reason though is because I got severe panic attacks whenever I watched television (and hubby keeps it on the news 24/7) and from all the horrible and possibly fake political news and hearing God's name mocked even on just 70s and 80s sitcoms.  I thought they were clean so I sure got my $8 worth per month from Pureflix.  I'm not going to debate whether it's a "sin" to watch television because I think it depends on how vulnerable one is to suggestion, what you watch and maybe even why and how MUCH you watch it makes all the difference (see explanation below).  

I stayed off the internet except for maybe 30 minutes a day unless it was to watch a movie or listen to a sermon or video by very credible sources (see next post).  It was too depressing and I wanted to clear the clutter of all the false prophets and do some listening because God forbid I share a false doctrine/prophecy with you.  IF I do, I want to hear about it so I can remove it immediately so long as you can back it up by the Bible. Also realize I'm human and if I share something wrong, it's a mistake.  I try now to prescreen new videos and pastors but once I know they speak truth from the Bible, I may not have the time and something may slip in because they are human too.  We can differ on many things but you MUST have the clear Gospel of Grace doctrine 100% right or you're teaching a false doctrine (even if you've got the "Cross of Grace" in there because if you add or take away from that, it's false doctrine.  You're teaching a different Gospel and/or different Jesus Christ.  I recommend Grace Ambassadors, J. Vernon McGee, and John MacAuthur.  Look for expository preaching ministers as they preach the literal meaning of the Bible rather than just Spiritualizing verses as many "new" churches and organizations are doing today.  At least give Grace Ambassadors on how to rightly divide the Bible's series a listening to if nothing else.  It helped me tremendously.  Do I agree with everything?  Most, I do and a few things I am not sure but it's never a salvation issue.  However, their explanation on the Rapture is by far the the most compelling I've ever heard.  

So, in short, I've been grieving, studying and praying a lot, and tired of politics.  Forgive me but sometimes I just have to stay off the computer when it becomes a burden.  Also, if you take no advice from me ever, take will NEVER find God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit on the internet.  You will find Him ONLY in His Word and prayer.  It has it's uses and is really good in many, many ways but listening as I have no choice but to listen to sermons online.  I'm tired of church shopping just to find them compromising to the world.  I want that "Little Brown Church in the Vale."  I can't find it.  So, keep reading for further information.  Sorry this is long but I pray you will read this.

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Nothing is inherently good or evil as far as things like that are concerned.  To me it's like wine.  I hate the taste of every alcohol out there from beer to liquor.  Therefore I don't drink it BUT if I went to dinner and everyone was drinking wine, I might take a sip or two so as NOT to appear "holier than thou" or judgmental.  Nor would I lie and say I am a recovering alcoholic since that would be WRONG.  

Television and movies are also another hotly contested issue in many Christian's lives.  I feel it's a choice and if you're not watching porn or gratuitous violent/sex stuff,  but in short, if you want to watch some really good movies of many genres, Pureflix is the best ever.  I highly recommend it.  Not a penny is taken out or put on "hold" for the first 30 days but if you love good inspirational, Christian or even good cartoons for your kids, this is better than anything put out by Hellywood.  It's owned by David A.R. White who got his start on Evening Shade and his most famous movies are God is NOT Dead 1 and 2.  Keven Sorbo, another born-again Christian, has some fantastic movies on there.  It has some series and a good fictional one is called "Encounters With the Messiah."  If my husband likes the movies, I can almost guarantee you and your spouse (or significant other) will as well.  Oh, great movies for teens and some that help your child stay in the faith while in college.  How to overcome the unbelievers and professors.  If you're into "proof" or Christian Apologetics, this is another great site.  Remember though, many are fiction and meant for enjoyment and is not intended for you to get your theology or Biblical knowledge from.  There are a few I wouldn't recommend such as 40 Days or something like that.  Not great and it shows Jesus Christ saying the "Lord's Prayer."  Think about it...did Jesus ever say that prayer?  If yes, where and if not, (this is a HUGE hint), why NOT?  I'll tell you later, lol.

So thanks for those who read this.  I'll be on here more but not every single day probably.  I just wanted to explain because when someone who participates a lot and they disappear, I fear they've strayed.  We all have doubts, temptations and questions and that's good.  That's how we strengthen our faith is through difficulties.  Will post more later tonight and it's good to be back.  God bless and much, much love in Christ Jesus.

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