Thursday, July 20, 2017


Why does God allow bad things to happen?
A lot of people wonder and ask things like “Why does God let children be abused, or starve to death?”. So why does God allow bad things to happen?

It's like the old story where a young boy says that he is going to run away from home so they let him, because they know that it won't be long before long he will realize that he can't make it on his own and return home. That is EXACTLY what God is doing with mankind.

You see, there was a long period of time early on where when things were going very well for the people, and much like today, when things are going well for people they tend to think that THEY are doing SO good that they don't need God, so they drift away from him and start doing things THEIR way instead of God's way, then when their way has eventually gotten them into much despair, they cry out for God to help them.

This is what the people did, they did it over and over again, they would drift farther and farther away from God and his ways until things got really bad then they would cry out and beg him to come save them, “bail them out” so to speak, and he did. This happened over and over again until God got fed up with it, even though God IS longsuffering, which means “patient”, he does have his limits.
God finally decided to stop that cycle and leave mankind to their own devices in order to PROVE to themselves that they can't do it without God. And all we have to do is take a good look around, it doesn't take long to see that we've made a pretty big mess of things doing it “our way”. I'd say that the one thing we (mankind) as a whole are doing a pretty good job at is proving God's point, that man just can't pull it off “his way” without God.
So that is why our heavenly Father allows these things to happen and go on in the world, they are not of His doing they are of ours, and just like a rich spoiled child, if daddy bails them out of every jam they get themselves into and “fix” everything that they screw up for them he is doing them a disservice as they will never learn the lessons they need to learn that way.
May God bless & guide 

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