Monday, July 24, 2017


Dear Men of God or To Whom it May Concern:

I am a born-again believer, one in the Body of Christ Jesus, the true Church of which He is the Head.  I live in the largest city in America, and I see a church on almost every block of all kinds of denominations.  When we moved here, I had rejected all organized churches, denominations or organizations.  I notice some today are very quick to say, "we're not a church, we are an organization."  What is the difference?  You meet on a certain day(s) of the week, teach the same thing and I have yet to hear any pastor share the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Oh, they give an altar call while secretly hoping no one actually approaches it so you can get on with your plans for the day or evening.  

You plan things like social gatherings to go to an ice cream parlor and if there be any visitor, as was the case for me, the pastor's ONLY concern was how soon I'd be off their property.  I didn't have the car and he was upset that I might delay their gathering (although he had no need of worrying as my husband was turning into the parking lot as he was speaking) but the church I grew up in, every member would have rushed to beg the visitor(s) to join them. I was not invited to attend the ice cream social nor was I invited back.  What's up with that? While the "Sinner's Prayer" and altar calls are NOT scriptural at all, at least in days past ministers delighted in those who felt led by the Holy Spirit to approach and accept our Lord Jesus Christ into their lives.  You don't even preach true repentance.  You give them this false sense of salvation by telling them either you're now saved forever and can never lose your salvation (which I believe is true for the truly saved) without following up on sin, the consequences of an unchanged life, how your life will change for the good if you do as Jesus commands.  I am not a legalist.  We are saved through grace alone; by faith alone; by Christ alone.  However, all who are newly saved in truth will bear good fruits not for salvation but because of it.  For outside of Him, I can do nothing of myself to earn or buy my way into the Kingdom of God.  Also, no one ever tells us what God considers as good works.  I know what they mean to me but my thoughts and ways are not His.  Tithing?  Giving to the poor?  Doing your best to obey the 10 Commandments (we break one, we break them all and every man is a liar)?  What about someone who is homebound and poor, that cannot get out into the world and share the Gospel?  What about the Christian in war-torn, anti-Christian countries that cannot get water baptized or those in a draught and there is no water?  So baptism can't be a requirement for salvation as our gracious and merciful Father in Heaven would never require anything of man for such an important event that some could not do.  Speaking in tongues?  Point to me where THAT doctrine of man is in any way proof of anything?  If so, then both Islamics and Bhuddists or Hindus (maybe both) are indwelt by the Holy Spirit without salvation as they speak in tongues too?

Also, nowhere is a secret prayer language mentioned in scripture.  I know the verses you use to try to prove this fact but the truth about this awesome phenomena is that it was given on the Day of Pentacost (a one-time event, like the flood, creation, birth of Christ, death/burial/resurrection) and has never been repeated.  It was a sign for the Jews, always a KNOWN language and even then Paul clearly states that not everyone speak in tongues, heal, prophecy, etc.  There are 65 other very vital and relevant books in the Word of God besides the transitional (albeit the most exciting) book of the Canon of Scripture.  Why do you never preach on them?  Is it possible that because if you do, you'll have to preach contrary to your doctrine?  

I have some questions that I challenge any pastor that preaches these things or runs their church because I cannot find one here nor can any true man of God recommend one.  The closest I got was "there may be one near....but I don't know if they still preach rightly." Why bother?  I've found a few online pastors that I listen to regularly and rather than slop or fast food that temporarily satisfies my hunger and thirst for the truth but is not fulfilling, I will not return to a church.  

Question One

When did pleasing man rather than God become more important?  I see that everywhere but nowhere more than in the Pentacostal, Word of Faith, Wealth and Prosperity, Little "gods", etc. doctrines, especially sowing "money" seeds to gain wealth from God.  When did you make God your financial counselor rather than Wonderful Councilor?  I please God, not man, to the best of my ability so as a pastor, when did you stop?

Question Two

We are to be the salt of the earth.  Salt (doctrine) is wonderful and flavorful and it has amazing healing abilities.  It is also abrasive and hurts when poured into a wound but that wound heals faster.  While there is no sin greater or less or that cannot be forgiven man, if you don't preach what is sin, and pour salt in those wounds of the heart, how can they be convicted of it by the Holy Spirit?  Faith comes by hearing.  This touchy-feely, fake healings, rock concert atmosphere is not working.  It hinders the Gospel when a visitor, especially someone new to Christ Jesus, because it did my husband.  I was raised on the Rock and my house was built on a solid foundation so I recognized the lies immediately but he refused to have any part of God for about 3 years.  Only by His grace and my faithfulness in living my faith (imperfect though it was way too often), he is finally starting to show good fruits...a change of his heart, not by his works.  He cheerfully gives to those in need because of this renewal, not to earn it.  He was a cheap, stingy, self-centered man.  I am seeing a different man today.  He's still a babe but the Holy Spirit is working in his life, no thanks to the UPC.  


I'll make this the last and is all-inclusive.  Why are you not feeding your flock?  Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him 3 times.  Each time Peter answered yes.  Three times Jesus replied, "then feed my sheep."  What does that mean to you?  Is it more important to fill the seats and preach the lie of tithing to fill your bellies and lusts than make sure your flock enters the Kingdom of God?  These things are temporary.  Put your treasures in Heaven and you will start obeying and following our Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ.  Until then, you should have to pay your flock to listen because you are wasting their time and giving them a false sense of security.  You should be ashamed.

I pray for you all the time.  I want nothing more than a physical church that I can attend, support and go out and do good.  I find it incredibly sad that in all of my state, the closest one I could find is 3 hours away.  God bless and ask Him to show you the way.  I promise you He will IF you humble yourselves and shed your wealth (the love of it).  Money IS the root of all evils.  

The peace of Christ Jesus,

Brenda Alexander if anyone cares to address these issues

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