Thursday, June 8, 2017


I was badly deceived by 2 (almost 3) of THE most dangerous cults on the planet.  It took a wonderful friend working with me for about a year to get me back to Spiritual normalcy.  I thank God for being raised in a Bible-teaching, rock solid church built on Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, I strayed but was in and out most of my life.  Somehow I knew one day I'd get it right.  I remember the day and I also remember thinking "Yeah, this will last about 2 weeks."  Well, I think God showed me just how sovereign He is and not this time.  Oh, I'd stumble and fall, be deceived but I thank Him for that as it lead me to really study the Word of God.  He uses everything to the good (Romans 8:28).  Four and a half years, I've grown, I've regressed but I know Him so much better than ever and am so looking forward to the journey.  Trials and tribulations are not much fun, you have doubts, fears and wonder if you're saved and if so, why would Jesus Christ chose YOU.  I call them "Spiritual valleys."  I always come out better, stronger and closer to Him so I am grateful for everything.  He does it for our own good.

Because had I not been raised in the truth, one of those cult-like churches, that have transformed into a full-blown cult, quite possibly would have caused me to leave the faith.  I don't believe one should bark and howl in church and saying it's the Holy Spirit; running around churches, laughing hysterically, convulsing on the floor, etc.  The Spirit brings me to my knees but I assure you not once has He ever caused me a bit of pain.  He is gentle, reverent and is loving.  He would never hurt anyone.

We have many false prophets, teachers, full-blown cults and wolves seeking to devour and destroy the Body of Christ, which is the ONLY true church.  Sorry to those in these new churches that claim they're the real church, like God would allow a false church to thrive for 2,000 years and only give us the truth.  Does that make sense?  Is God a God of confusion or of peace?  These churches confuse me.  

We are all called for different purposes.  I LOVE people and I happen to worry about everybody's eternal destination regardless of how I feel about their character.  I don't want anyone to suffer hell and no, I don't know what hell is.  I know it's a place you don't want to go.  Other than that, unless you trust and believe that Jesus Christ died, was buried and resurrected in body and is the author and finisher of your faith and salvation, you are not taught the right Gospel or the right Jesus.  Don't believe me, read it for yourself in First Corinthians 15:1-11.  That's God's Words, not mine.  Do not add nor take away from GRACE. We are saved by grace not works (Eph 2:8-9).  

I also want to teach you what is and what is not a wolf or false prophet.  Every single man of God since the 50s until today, someone has labeled them a false prophet.  I don't even know why.  We need to know who they are and especially who is not and then we can help get this world out of deception.  Until they are fully identified, we are losing big time because who are they to believe?  I'm not judging them, I'm praying for them and loving them enough to care about their salvation.  One of my older favorite pastors, J. Vernon McGee is labeled one but no one said why.  I plan to make a post on every pastor from Oswald Chambers, Ellen White (WOLF), Billy Graham (need proof) to the Catholic Church (not a stretch to believe).  I will ask for a prayer chain for these people.  You can choose to watch, read or not, it's your choice. And yes, it is our responsibility to correct, rebuke and chastise other "Christians" and if there's wolves that fail to repent, we cannot have anything to do with them.  Not my words.  

Be ye NOT deceived.  Stay grounded in the Word and you'll see the lie because they wrap it up in truth in a pretty package with a bow.  Spiritual abuse is dangerous and many are leaving these oppressive and abusive churches and becoming unbelievers because they were not taught the true Jesus Christ...the one Who loved you so much that He died for you.  

I am not trying to offend you but ask yourself this if you are...why?  Could it be me or could it be conviction of the Holy Spirit?  I don't want my ears tickled, I want truth. Sometimes it hurts as I found out the other day but I needed to hear it.  God bless and much love in Christ Jesus!

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