Monday, June 12, 2017


I have had friends who are JWs, which is highly offensive to them to be called a JW even though their website is called ""  I have read and seen enough to know that this is not Biblical.  To say Jesus Christ is created, an archangel (Michael), and that only 144,000 JWs will go to heaven.  The 144,000 mentioned in Revelation refer to the 144,000 Jews that God has set apart for His work on earth but other than that, I'm not very knowledgeable about it so until I learn, I'll not speak as I don't ever want to mislead.  I just know the 144,000 refer to Israel and not the Church.  While I am so undenominational that I honestly don't know by what term I'd identify myself as, I believe in the Word of God, the clear language without twisting and knowing you have to rightly divide the Word of God.  

For instance, in a sermon I saw Jesus vs. Paul, don't let the title fool you.  Jesus is first alway. It is simply that Jesus taught the Kingdom of God.  The Jews didn't accept Him as their Messiah and so they put Him to death.  Now, they were blinded, in part, for our sakes so do not boast or think you are superior to them or that God doesn't have a wonderful plan to save Israel.  We are in the dispensation of Grace but Jews are under the law.  However, to fully understand the NT, you must understand the OT.  It is vital.  To wipe out Judaism from Christianity is a bad idea for many reasons.  You must understand the wedding ceremony for Jews in order to understand the 2nd Advent (or coming) of our Lord and God, our Messiah, Yeshua.  Daniel and Revelation mirror each other and Jesus Christ quotes from the OT a lot, so it's very important as it's about one thing and one thing only, the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  God has not forsaken Israel but we're in the church age for now.  
However, Jesus also mentions in many passages that many false christs, doctrines, gospels and even false Jesus' will come into the world.  Would I call them demonic?  I hesitate to call anyone or anything demonic.  I feel great empathy for members of cults because they are so indoctrinated with the lies and false teaches so they sincerely believe but...they are just as sincerely wrong.  In fact, we are told not to take any part of their deceptions, not even to let them in your house or wish them Godspeed so Jesus Christ was serious about this.

In my opinion, they are no different than the Pharisees of Jesus's day.  They denied He's God in the flesh.  So do the JWs.  They teach He was created when God's Word clearly states that Jesus Christ created ALL things and nothing was created except by Him.  He is the Word of God.  It's clear in John 1:1.  I had to end a friendship with one.  I admit I was hoping to teach him the truth but he didn't want to hear or even research anything outside of the Watchtower or go by any Bible other than the one they rewrote to uphold the Watchtower.  That's their final authority on God's Word, not scripture.  They also demand you call God or Yahwey "Jehovah" even though there is not and never has been a "J" sound in Hebrew.  Is Jehovah God's name?  It's a form of the tetragram YHWH or a combination of Elohim and Adenei (sp).  So it would have to be pronounced Yehovah but Yahwey is the more correct pronunciation of YHWH or Jehovah.  They say God is a "generic" term.  Well, how can it be generic if it refers to the ONLY living God?  

There is so much truth about the errors of the JW organization I could tell you but you can research it for yourself if interested.  However, this is a warning to anyone who is NOT a JW.  Do not let them in your home nor even try to share the true Gospel with them.  They are so brainwashed with set answers from the Watchtower to "defend" any Bible verse you quote to prove their errors and unless they're seeking the truth, you will end up confused and upset, maybe even wondering if YOU are misreading scripture.  It is so deceptive and they come as harmless as doves so you need to be wise as a serpent.  One ex-JW suggested that you put up a sign on your door or property saying that no JW is allowed.  You have the right to do that IF you own the property or have permission from the owner.  Now, I haven't had one knock on my door in years and years.  I don't know if their membership is dropping, if they've stopped or they're tired of having doors slammed in their faces but they are required to go out 2 x 2.  

If the JW is the only true church as they claim, what is going to happen to the Apostles who didn't teach this but yet walked with Jesus Christ?  This organization wasn't started until about 150 years ago when Jehovah chose this man named Russell Haze to reveal the TRUTH about salvation so what about those who came before that didn't have this new revealed and faulty  prophecy?  The Bible says that if a man speaks a word from Him and it doesn't come to pass, it was not from Him.  In fact, these false prophets were stoned to death in the OT.  I hope they appreciate that we are in the age of Grace now and not the law because today these people would be stoned to death.  Grace and belief that Jesus Christ is Lord God and Messiah, true repentance and enduring to the end is what saves you, not works and certainly not believing in a false gospel, doctrine or Jesus Christ.   I know I am harsh on false prophets. I just know how spiritually damaging and abusive these churches are and cause so many to turn away from God.  The true Gospel is not in any way abusive or destructive EVEN if rejected (at least on this plane of existence).  Not all will receive it and it can be frustrating and discouraging to share the Gospel.  Atheism is the "god" of today and it's a faith-based "religion" whether they believe it or not.  They claim not to believe in anything but when asked what they believe, it's science, philosophy, or the imaginations and theories of man. They have "faith" that man is right.  How is that not faith-based even though scientists disprove themselves many times except what lines up with the Bible.   

Lastly, beware of any "church" that teaches you not to test your faith or to mix science and the Bible together.  I don't believe much of what man teaches.  It seems they change their minds as often as we change our socks.  The Bible has science in it.  The number 7 is known as the perfect number.  There are 7 days of the week, 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 elements, 7 continents, 7 oceans, etc.  Seven is the number of completion and perfection.  Every 7 years all debts are wiped out.  Every 7 years is when the land is left to rest and heal.  You don't reap or sow in Judaism.  Christians, our church was started by Jewish people.  We cannot completely wipe out Judaism from our faith.  Do not hate our brothers and sisters caught up in these false doctrines.  Love and pray for them.  Do everything you can to bring them to the truth and the simplicity of salvation.  

Just watch the video because not only is this church a false prophet but it also protects the members from being charged with pedophilia which is rampant in the JW org.  It's like they are part Jewish (denying the divinity of Jesus Christ) and Roman Catholics who do not report and forgive (like THEY can forgive sins) pedophiles and hide them out.  Never be afraid to test your denomination.  I got caught up in 2 very dangerous ones and had I not been raised right, I don't know if I'd have walked away from the faith or not.  We have to protect the flock.  Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him.  Peter replied that yes, of course he did.  Jesus asked and replied 3 times then feed my flock.  Feed the flock you believers and be the light of the world and salt of the earth.  Light warms and salt is flavorful but it's also abrasive but healing. Sometimes the truth hurts.  Lead them to the saving Grace of Jesus Christ.  It's not their fault but it is their responsibility to question anything that is not upheld by the KJV Bible as even Rabbis say it is the closest and very best translation, almost perfectly translated from Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.  Be ye not deceived.  Much love in Christ Jesus to all people.

Below are 2 great videos and a link.  Pray and learn to UNlearn lies!

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