Saturday, June 17, 2017


Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards
Live Action said Planned Parenthood “is in the fight of its corporate life to save its half-billion dollars in taxpayer funding, claiming it needs the money to deliver ‘vital reproductive health care.'”
But Live Action, she said, “has discovered that Planned Parenthood refuses to use those ‘reproductive health care’ tax dollars to help the people who need them the most: pregnant women who choose to carry their babies to term.”
The videos, Live Action said, “vividly illustrate what was found in Planned Parenthood’s recently released 2015-16 annual report: Its 328,348 abortions in 2015 vastly outnumbered its 9,419 prenatal services and 2,889 adoption referrals.”
The chain aborted nearly 114 children for every one baby it referred out for adoption in 2015, Live Action found.
Lila Rose, president of Live Action, said her investigators repeatedly “went to Planned Parenthood asking for pregnancy support, and repeatedly, they were told that they could only get abortions.”
“Prenatal care and adoption referrals are virtually nonexistent while abortion numbers continue to rise, making it clear that Planned Parenthood’s focus – and its push – is abortion,” she said. “You can’t get those kinds of numbers without constantly promoting abortion.”
Rose said it’s “unconscionable that taxpayers are forced to fund an abortion business.”
“But it’s also alarming that we’re giving over half a billion dollars a year to a business we’re told provides reproductive health care but that refuses to use that money to help women who choose to carry their babies to term. Planned Parenthood’s anti-woman, anti-child agenda make it unworthy of a single dime of taxpayer funding.”
She challenged Congress to fix the problem.
“Congress shouldn’t wait any longer to put legislation on the president’s desk to redirect funding away from Planned Parenthood to local health centers that actually provide legitimate primary and prenatal care to women and their families,” Rose said.
The videos reveal that Planned Parenthood centers in multiple locations simply brushed off requests for prenatal services.
In St. Paul, Minnesota, the request for help was met with, “Um, don’t offer services.”
The caller explains, “I thought you helped with adoptions,” to which Planned Parenthood in Flagstaff, Arizona, responds, “No, we do abortions.”
Live Actions’ videos in their “Abortion Corporation” series already have collected nearly 100 million views on social media.
Planned Parenthood is in the news not only because of Live Action’s videos, but also because of videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, which went undercover and found abortionists talking about their trade in the body part of babies.
The CMP videos have prompted congressional investigations and requests that abortionists be investigated for criminal conspiracy.
The abortion industry has responded with lawsuits over those videos and by trying to conceal them from the American public, which gives $500 million in tax money to abortionists at Planned Parenthood each year.
One such judge hearing the dispute, Judge William H. Orrick III, ordered nationwide censorship of one of the videos.
However, a motion has been filed in court asking to have the judge removed from the case because of his links to an organization that sponsors Planned Parenthood.
WND previously posted the video, and when it was removed on Orrick’s orders, transcribed the statements by abortionists so the public still has access to the information.
Lisa Harris, medical director for Planned Parenthood of Michigan, says in the video: “Our stories don’t really have a place in a lot of pro-choice discourse and rhetoric, right? The heads that get stuck that we can’t get out. The hemorrhages that we manage.”
Susan Robinson of Planned Parenthood of Mar Monte in San Jose, California: “The fetus is a tough little object and taking it apart, I mean taking it apart, on day one is very difficult.’
Talcott Camp, deputy director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Reproductive Health Freedom Project: “I’m like oh my god! I get it! When the skull is broken, that’s really sharp. I get it, I understand why people are talking about getting that skull out, that calvarium.”
Deborah Nucatola, senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood Federation of America: “You know, sometimes she’ll tell me she wants brain, and we’ll, you know, leave the calvarium in ’til last, and then try to basically take it, or actually, you know, catch everything, and even keep it separate from the rest of the tissue so it doesn’t get lost.”
The video was the work of undercover investigators with the Center for Medical Progress, who since 2015 have released more than a dozen videos of abortionists – mostly from Planned Parenthood – talking about their unborn-baby, body-parts trade, their willingness to adjust an abortion procedure to salvage a particular body part sought by a researcher and more.
The request to have Orrick removed cites his status an emeritus board member of a group that has a “key partnership” with the abortionists of Planned Parenthood.
“Judge Orrick’s wife has also posted public comments, pictured with her husband, that are supportive of Planned Parenthood and critical of these moving defendants,” the law firm explained. “For this reason, and the others set forth below, [David] Daleiden and CMP respectfully request that Judge Orrick be recused from this case and that a stay be granted on all proceedings in this case until this motion is heard.”
Orrick, says the legal filing, has a longstanding relationship with Good Samaritan Family Resource Center in San Francisco, which for many years has had a Planned Parenthood clinic on its premises, describing it as a “key partnership.”
“Mr. Daleiden learned Judge Orrick had not only been on the board of GSFRC … but also discovered that Judge Orrick was secretary of the board of GSFRC in 2001, when GSFRC entered into its ‘key partnership’ with PPSP,” the filing explains.
The judge and his wife also have given more than $5,000 to support GSFRC, which donates its space to Planned Parenthood, the brief explains, pointing out that the judge concealed his links to the abortion industry.
“At no time did Judge Orrick disclose to defendants that he sat on the board of an organization that had as a ‘key partner’ an organization defendants allege, both in public statements and as part of their defense, was involved in violation of state and federal law. … Orrick did not disclose his close and long-standing relationship with an organization that houses a facility and hosts Planned Parenthood staff.”


‘Choice’ at Planned Parenthood means 1 thing only

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