Monday, May 15, 2017


To any tongue speaking church, I respectfully ask the following questions and ask for rock solid, scriptural based answers in the KJV Bible without twisting verses, using unrelated verses or make any assumptions.  I've asked many but to date, I get no answers.  I was raised in the Presbyterian church, brought up in the truth of the Gospel found in First Corinthians 15:1-11.  God is not the author of confusion but of peace.  Why then do I feel I've  landed on a new planet every time I leave your church?  

1.  There are good and bad angels, right?  How do you KNOW that the angelic language you're speaking in is from a "good" angel?

2.  How would you feel if you discovered your tongue was not of a good angel?

3.  Why did God pour out this gift of tongues on the Day of Pentacost?  Of course He most certainly did but we didn't have television, radios, etc. to spread the Gospel.  We had to use word of mouth and since we really don't know if we're really speaking in an angelic tone or from our own desires because we've been indoctrinated that if we don't, we're not saved.  That can be a great motivator to fake it or convince yourself you have this gift.  The Apostle Paul tells you how.  Do not speak in tongues without an interpreter.  You are warned not to do this.  I've heard someone speak in tongues once with an interpreter but, in retrospect, I doubt that was real.  Why?  Well, if you'd heard the interpretation, it was not well spoken and was just Jesus loves you, Jesus Christ is Lord, etc.  Wonderful words but how did that edify the Body of Christ?  The whole point is to glorify and honor our Lord God and Savior, Yeshua ah Messiach.

4.  Where in First Corinthians 15:1-11, where Paul clearly speaks the Gospel of Salvation by Jesus Christ does it say one MUST speak in some unknown, impossible to understand secret prayer language?  In fact, name one clear and concise scripture that says this?  Not one.  Paul mentions "tongues of angels" once in 1st Corinthians 13 but he also says it's the least of the Spiritual gifts and not everyone does but to earnestly pray for the better gifts.  What is the best gift?  LOVE!  So why isn't my new heart that loves like never before better proof of my receiving the Holy Spirit?  Tongues or love...I've heard the language and hatefulness, along with self-righteousness and holier than thou  language you use when questioned on this doctrine. f people who "speak in tongues" so as for me, I'd rather have love.  I have been so badly damaged emotionally and Spiritually by Pentacostals that had I not been rock solid in my foundation would have made me feel as if God rejected me and I am not kidding.  I have a discerning spirit, by the grace of God and I believe that we are given today what we need.  Tomorrow, we may need the gift of healing, knowledge, wisdom, etc.  I also believe that the Spiritual gifts ceased (see 1st Cor 13:10) when the Bible was finished.  

5.  Not a question but advice and warning.  The Bible tells you not to add to nor take away from it.  Woe unto those who do.  Once you force someone into speaking in tongues for whatever reason, you move right on teaching another Gospel and another Jesus.  Paul warns against that too.  I've heard many people refuse to ever go to church again and if they have to fall all over the church, convulsing or even barking like dogs, they don't want any part of it.  That is NOT the Jesus I fell in love with at 6 and love more each day.  I was in a huge mega-church where the pastor exalted himself above the flock.  They call him "Pastor" not his name.  Doesn't Jesus tell us not to think better of ourselves than we ought?  Pastors and teachers are called to guide us but, God is not a respecter of persons.  He doesn't love King David anymore than He loves any other human being.  

Be the light of the world and the salt of the earth but there are 65 more books just as important in the Bible than Acts.  It's a very awesome and exciting book, lots of great things going on but it's a transitional book from Jews to Gentiles.  Learn to discern and RIGHTLY divide the word of God!

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