Tuesday, May 16, 2017


As many of you have noticed, I have a huge issue with those who are considered by mainstream Christianity to be either cults, cult-like or flat out false prophets.  Now, for general information on the differences in the 3 are like this...cults have many truths, mostly all historical which tends to lend them some degree of credibility.   Cult-like groups have more truth and preach the right Gospel except that they always add to it by adding some type of works.  The most often used one is, of course, "tithing."  Sorry pastors, you're adding poison to your sweet Gospel message.  Let me explain...

Even IF we were still required to tithe, it is only for the Jews.  It was also only in effect if we we are under a Levitical priesthood, which we are not.  We are under a royal priesthood, of course, Jesus Christ but He is not a Levitical priest but by the order of Melchizadek.  Not much is known about this man but when Jesus was baptized it was for that reason.  So, we are not under tithing for that reason as well as the law was given to the House of Israel, not the gentiles that converted to Christianity.  Also, YHWH usually always confirms His Word in 3s.  Remember the Ethiopian eunuch who encountered Philip?  He loved our God and he wanted to be baptized.  The Bible tells us that he always gave alms (notice no tithing but offerings instead) and the Holy Bible tells us that God LOVES a cheerful giver.  

The sad fact is, in churches that teach the truth about tithing, rather than getting 10%, they average a little over 22%.  The love of money....So actually they're cheating themselves out of money and stealing other people's joy.  Most Christians love to give but I've been to many church services where the collection plate is passed around up to 10 times and if there's a visiting pastor, they take up additional offerings.  My husband and I barely make it week to week but not once have we ever had to go without anything we need.  However, we can't tithe 10%.  Yet, we give every dime we have.  I don't give to get.  If He rewards me financially, I see it as more money to give.  I hear a lot of people who feel intense pressure to give more than they can afford and many lose church memberships if they don't tithe.  That's just wrong.  

I also have a huge problem with pastors who hawk their books, CDs or DVDs at church.  Sort of reminds me of Jesus Christ overturning the tables in the synagogues.  Maybe it's me but I feel as if I was freely given, freely give.  You shouldn't sell the Gospel.  If you write a book to sell, fine but not in my church please.  This is just my own personal opinion and you may feel very different.  I just can't give 10% but I give all I have.  Sometimes that's just a few dollars.  I also love helping others for no reason.  I love to give.  It's my joy.  I also don't like people making a big deal over it.  I really want to start a Christian addiction recovery meeting,  I'm praying over this and if it's God will, it will happen.  I may to a GoFundMe page for start-up funds.  I truly feel as if I could really help others in this very underserved group of people.  It's our hush-hush, dark secret in church.  How many previous or even those trying to overcome are in church today?   I sure hope a lot!  No one chooses to be a junkie.  Oh, and did He not say..."A man who isn't sick has no need of a physician?  

Pastors, stop lying to your flock.  The Gospel is found in First Corinthians 15:1-11, we are under grace, not the law.  It's GRACE!  Grace won on Calvary.  Also, I am all for giving every dime you can but please don't give your money to those who promise credit card debts wiped off, financial gain, etc.  Also, be very careful on books you buy.  I subscribe to PureFlix and all the shows are good.  They're clean and some great studies.  Just remember, any end-times videos or movies are FICTION.  Enjoy them for entertainment but that's all it is.  Do not ever base your faith on any movie but you can find some truth.  I enjoyed the Left Behind series but it's just books.  However, a lot of what he said is happening but it's far too literal.  

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