Saturday, January 21, 2017



I have been told by many I should learn to become a writer.  I have zero self-confidence and even though I love to write, I am not a wordsmith and my grammar is, well, not very good.  I don't know fancy words but then I thought about it and who wants to read an article or book where they need a dictionary to understand it?  I sure don't.  I don't have the money to go to school so guess what, I'm going to learn to write and you are going to be my readers, lol.  So you know, I am very open to CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.  Oh, and no sandwiches either.  A "criticism sandwich" is when you first say something GOOD, then you tell them what you see wrong, and then you either end there with something good OR turn it into a "criticism CLUB sandwich," in which then I will "club" you over the head with it, lol.  I will be using my sense of humor a lot, scripture and my own personal opinions and experiences.  I don't need coddling and if you see something wrong, tell me.  Also realize I'm new and one at a time, please.  Also, you have to learn my "style" of writing as it is more casual than formal and more conversational.  I am not aspiring to rewrite War and Peace or the next best-seller.  I enjoy writing both fictional stories, faith-based articles and songs/poetry.  I don't want accolades or praise, nor do I plan to write for money, although I do hope to write something of value worthy to be published for the glory of God.  I have never dreamed of wealth and to be honest, it feels like it would be more of a curse to me than a blessing.  I want enough with extra to give but I have never been high maintenance.  I love thrift stores, Dollar stores and Dollar Generals.  I really love flea markets and yard sales.  Okay, here goes...

The Beauty of God in NYC in a Very Evil and UnGodly Act (9/11/2001 NYC)
Written by:  Brenda Alexander
January 21, 2017

I am a 56 year old Christian woman, married to David for 28 years now.  Oh, the first years were both good and bad.  We had a very rough spot in the middle that, to be honest, tear 95% of marriages apart.  It wasn't about the big, cheating or sex.  It was about loss of children in a custody battle, not death but separation of thousands of miles and basically having your heart ripped out.  To say I was mad at God was an understatement but without Him, I'd never have made it through.  However, I was also blessed and I learned that family has nothing to do with blood.  Family is all about love.  There's a saying that goes "friends are better than family because you get to choose your friends."  Well, I have to say that I have found many times over that this is more true than you may realize.  While I love my blood family dearly, I am actually much closer to my friends than my family.  I was always the "odd man out."  I was so sure I was adopted that one day I went hunting down my birth certificate to PROVE I did not belong to "those people."  I am polar opposite of every singe one of them except my grandmother.  I never belonged and I don't today.  I am fine with that.  Family can be very toxic and sometimes God may call you to get away from them.  He did that to me and today, although for 2 1/2 years I have never understood why He brought me to this horrible place where I was so miserable but today, I thank Him repeatedly for it.  His ways are infinitely better than mine.  I am glad to be away from those crazy people, lol.  All kidding aside, I do love them but truth be told, we have not a thing in common.  Not one thing but my friends, ah we have so much fun and yes, we disagree all the time but they build me up, support me and even tell me the truth.  How novel!   They do not coddle me or sooth my feelings.  One comes right out and tells me I've lost my mind if I think to highly of my own thoughts!  I love my hand-picked family as much as my blood one.

After our loss but during the custody battle, God blessed us with our marriage going from not speaking to being unable to keep our hands off each other.  He got a new job and we traveled to 37 or 38 states.  I've been to every state on the east coast and as far west as Arizona, to Fargo of all places but 2 of the most memorable were one, I was in NYC 4 days after 9/11.  I'd been there 4 years earlier, loved it but very emotionally cold and distant.  I saw the worst of man and the beauty of God that day.  People were hugging, crying, praying and doing whatever they possibly could to bring comfort.  Strangers were reaching out to everyone.  Flowers and candles were everywhere.  People came to me with pictures asking me if I'd seen this person and to have to say no, I was just visiting was THE hardest thing I've ever had to say.  I literally wanted to scream.  Yes, literally.  I don't like saying no ever but to say it then was pure, unadulterated hell on earth.  To see this flash of hope for a second to see it go away in a flash would bring the hardest of hearts to its knees.  Yet still, His beauty shined through.  I was not living for Him yet I have never felt His presence in quite the same way.  I begged the people guarding the area to let me go dig but nothing I said worked.  That's all I wanted to do but they wouldn't risk my life because it was so unstable.  I felt unworthy, helpless and in total despair.

So much evil.  The smoke could be seen hundreds of miles away.  There was a layer of dust an inch deep 8 to 10 blocks away.  Yet the sun shined.  God was there.  I saw ordinary men and women who became extraordinary.  I saw a broken, heartless city turn into a city of LOVE in less than 10 minutes.  Race, creed, sexual orientation or national origin did not matter that day.  It wasn't a Muslim attack that day.  It wasn't a conspiracy theory and there was mass confusion and chaos but for a short time, that fled away and love, grace, mercy, compassion, empathy, sympathy, kindness, humility, and while the absolute worst of humanity could be seen forever, the overwhelming presence of our Creator,our Father Yahwey in Heaven and Christ Jesus outshone it all.  I saw tears, fears, hope and love.  

Nine-Eleven changed the world in very profound ways.  I don't know the truth but I don't think we've been told the truth.  I have some thoughts and all are based on what is clearly seen, not guesses.  However, no matter what satan attempted to do, he didn't win.  He never will and if you choose his side, he'll take you down with him.  He doesn't love you.  God does.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  Sin weighs you down and kills you.  Choose life!   Choose to believe and trust that Jesus Christ is Lord and your Savior to be saved.  That's all.  It's that hard and that easy.  The battle is over and it's been won on Calvary!



God bless you all and much love in Christ Jesus,
Brenda Alexander

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