Wednesday, March 7, 2018


There are many videos and articles circulating that claim the Apostle Paul was a false prophet.  I did some research on this by listening to both sides and found it comes from the Hebrew Roots Movement (you should know what this group stands for if you don't already) and by Islam.  Most also deny the deity of Jesus Christ, His resurrection and many other Christian core beliefs.  My mother always taught me to "consider the source" whenever I'm told something and when I did, I get it now.  These 2 groups are works-salvation believers and both put us under the Law.  We can't even obey 10, how can we possibly obey 613 more.  So, if you run across or are concerned about this claim, here is a link to a credible site that proves that the Apostle Paul was NOT a false prophet and his books in the Bible are inspired and infallible.  BTW, the groups claiming this also deny that the Bible is the Word of God but just another historical book written by man.  Be secure and grounded so that you cannot be deceived by the REAL false prophets.  

One of the reasons they claim this is that Paul and Jesus taught 2 different things.  Jesus taught the Kingdom of God to the Jews.  Once they rejected Him, God blinded them to who He was.  How could Jesus Christ preach or teach the Cross, the mystery of His saving shed blood when He was still alive?  It had to be a mystery or else as Paul says, if they had known, it would never have been done (His crucifixion) and that is why it was hidden.  Think about it and if you have any doubts, read this article.

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