Thursday, March 22, 2018


Hi everyone!

I am praying 2018 is going to be a better year and in many ways it already is.  We have been blessed immensely financially and even finally found a church.  I had been praying for my husband to become the Spiritual leader and he went and found a church he loves.  I'm ashamed to admit he's been more than I have.  It's Presbyterian, which I was raised in, definitely shares the RIGHT Gospel and RIGHT Christ Jesus but it is so ritualistic and formal.  I'm Baptist now and I like a little bit more life in my services but if hubby loves it, I will go with him as I feel husbands and wives should go to the same church.  I get CDs from a wonderful Baptist Church down here in gatorville and have a few favorites on YouTube but the outreach and service to the community outweighs the rituals.  I wasn't raised in a ritual church.  I went to Pentacostal churches as an adult before they went into charismatic chaos and started going down the wrong path (NOT ALL, just the few I went to) so I want something in between.  

I was in a bike accident and hurt my back a month ago.  I haven't been able to sit up and be on the computer for more than a few minutes at a time and it's time for me to start moving around before I get glued to my bed.  So, pray for my back to heal please.  I also admit I tested myself to see if I'm really in the faith as the Bible tells us to.  I needed to make sure.  I am.  Today I got to go out and LIVE MY FAITH.  I try to spread the Gospel, I do.  Problem, not a problem, it's AWESOME, but everyone I come across is already in the faith and praises our Lord Jesus with me.  I've working on my ex-husband and my neighbor so pray for them.  Tim, my ex, was a satanist when I sort of forced his hand and he left me after cheating on me, and now he's a deist.  Give me enough time and I'll get him right, lol.  He believes in a Creator, just not a personal one.  Ha!  

I promise to start sharing more and participating in groups.  However, I've got to get out more and involved in a real way so it won't be as much.  Please join me in prayer for the Church, the Body of Christ, that those who are struggling with sin issues or are worried about their salvation (which is actually a pretty good sign you are saved) and for those who are still blind.  It's coming up on Victory Day or Easter, as most call it.  I've missed you and starting tomorrow, I'll be sharing more.  I love you all in our Lord, God and Savior, Christ Jesus!!!

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