Tuesday, February 27, 2018


I must be honest that although I've read many of their booklets and have not found any obvious errors or false doctrine, I really haven't done a lot of research on them so I don't endorse them but nor do I call them in any way a false teacher.  I'm going to take some of these free courses and am providing you with a link in case you would like to as well.  To my knowledge, all are free and I would love to hear any feedback.  I'm human and not as knowledgeable in God's Word as I wish but we have to start somewhere.  I feel as if I'm going through a growth spurt right now.  Take at your own risk but if you know of any good reason why we should not and can back it up, I beg you to let us know immediately.  Keep in mind, just because you may disagree on a few things doesn't make either of us right or wrong.  Salvation and the Gospel is the main thing and it is by GRACE AND CHRIST JESUS ALONE.  Let me know if you take any classes and please, let's start equipping and encouraging each other to get out there and share the Gospel with others.  We need each other's support and even correction.  Let's never leave our brothers and sisters alone, especially when leading this hard-hearted world to our Savior and King.  


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