Sunday, January 14, 2018


I want to share some tips I've learned to help me better learn the Word of God, especially memorizing where verses are as I am really bad at that.  I know basically what the scripture says but can't quote it perfectly nor tell you where most of them are located by book, chapter and verse.  I've also helped learn where to find significant information such as parables and other occurrences in the Word of God and as I learn more, I will share but here are three.

Before sharing, this is also to let you know that from Fridays through Sundays, I will not doing be doing a lot on my blog or in my communities.  I am committing those days to studying the Word of God, doing Bible study, finding a church and attending, spending time with my husband and reaching out to my family.  I won't be posting much on my communities.  We only have one computer we have to share and Sunday and Tuesdays are David's day off of work.  I let him have his time on those days but on the others (except Saturday) I get on during the day.  I just cannot be a slave to social groups and the politics of today draw me in and I want out.  It's GOOD to keep an eye on what is going on but social media brings out pure evil in so-called Christians and it's even worse in unbelievers.  I find myself praising Almighty YHWY and Christ Jesus one minute and saying horrible things to complete strangers. I've been convicted of this and have slowed down.  I am quite sure He will continue bringing me out of that.  I'm human and fail but I really hate politics.  Pray for me, please.

So, for those like me who struggle with memorizing and remembering where to find key passages, the words of Christ Jesus, the Gospel and other things, I pray this helps you.  It is helping me.  You just need some index cards (mine is like a book); possibly a journal-type book or regular paper in a notebook.  A good pen helps and you can organize them online if you wish.  So, I pray this helps someone.  I originally posted this on FaceBook.  Please share if you wish.  I need no credit.

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This is to hopefully help those like me who LOVE learning the Word of God but struggle with memorizing verses, especially the Books/Chapters/Verses even though we basically know what they say but can't quote them verbatim. Here's some tips that I found that help me, especially in the Gospels. Luke, which is the first one I'm reading and doing this, says so much more than I realized and is so full of info that if you don't break it down and rightly divide it, it can be confusing. While God does not speak to me audibly (except maybe once...I'm not saying He did but I heard a voice outside my head that I thought my husband said it which led to Spiritual and physical healing as I was wasting away) but something told me to do this but I believe it was the Holy Spirit.

One: Write down verses as you come across them that are easy to memorize to start of with, such as "Walk ye therefore worthy of God, who has called you unto His Kingdom and Glory." 1st Thess 2:12. Read them 2-3 times and then throughout the day, repeat them until fully memorized. Then go to another, such as "And if ye be of Christ's, then ye are of Abraham's seed and heirs to the promise." Gal 4:6. These are just 2 of the few I memorized this weekend.

Two: As you read each Book, write in your notebook the Chapters and verses that give you vital information, like a parable or other sayings of Christ Jesus as I am doing in Luke. The parable of the talents and the parable of the sower, I have written down the chapter and verses on where to find this. Once I've completed each book, I will make an index of that book so I will have my own resource list to go to whenever I want to quote a verse.

Three: I use and as reliable and credible sources for what is being said. Now of course these sites are on someone's list as false. Ignore them and use discernment. Be a GOOD BEREAN and search the scriptures to see if what they say are true by the Word of God.

I will have more as I grow in His Word and will share periodically. Ask, seek and knock. We have all the answers we need in the Canon. We don't need man, new Bibles and there are no new revelations (prophets) or Apostles today. Christ Jesus alone appointed by Himself (not any other man) on whom He chose. So unless Christ Jesus has come down from Heaven and anointed you an Apostle, you are a disciple. We can know that by the Book of Revelation. The 24 thrones are the 12 tribes of Judah and the 12 Apostles. I pray this helps and if you have any ways to learn, PLEASE SHARE WITH US. God bless and love in Christ Jesus.

First Corinthians 15:1-11
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 3:16-17
Acts 8:37

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