Thursday, January 11, 2018


I am going to show my ignorance of how little I know as far as the exact words, books, chapters and verses here but I do know what is being said.  It's funny how whenever I need an answer, a Bible verse will come to mind that I say, "where did THAT come from? I didn't know I remembered that."  The Apostle Paul tells us that God has left us with enough evidence for His existence that man is without excuse for not believing in Him.  Well, I see God's handiwork in His creations but make no mistake, I do not worship creation but only the Creator!  I think I first really knew that God is real (I believed as a child and never stopped) but when I got pregnant the first time and felt that child grow inside me, that was my first REAL encounter with God as an adult.  There is nothing wrong with child-like faith but we are to mature.  Now, I see the evidence of Him everywhere.  We really ARE without excuse.  

I love music, especially classical but I really love the golden hymns that are timeless for in them, unlike most popular Christian music of today, I hear the Gospel and other Biblical teachings.  As I was about to listen to this song, that verse came to mind.  How do we see God in music?  Did He leave us a clue?  Well, we all know the number 7 is the number of completion and perfection.  It is God's number.  There are 7 notes on the musical scale.  Yes, again the Bible is proven true, He left us with evidence.  Go search and see what else has 7 absolute truths in the natural world.  You will be surprised and blessed.  Enjoy the song!  

If you aren't sure that all is well with you and our Lord God and Savior, if you aren't born again or have any doubts about how to be saved and be assured of eternal life, please read First Corinthians 15:1-11, paying close attention to 1-4. It's the mystery of Jesus Christ...the Cross!  Believe that He died; was buried; and rose again on the 3rd day, confess with your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord God and Savior (Messiah) and you are saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption.  Are their rules?  We are free in Christ Jesus but love God, love others and the rest will fall in place, not of your power but of His and His alone through the Holy Spirit.  You become a new creation in Christ Jesus.  He does the work, not us!  Take that narrow road though it's hard to walk, you don't walk it alone.

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