Monday, December 25, 2017


Unfortunately, I don't get many opportunities to share the Gospel face to face but I do when I can.  However, the Bible doesn't tell us to chase them down and beg them nor be their baby-sitter.  Now, if someone is earnestly desiring to learn the truth, I will use every fruit of the Spirit I possess and for as long as it takes but Jesus told His Apostles to tell them twice and if they refused to hear, wipe the dust from their feet as a testimony against them and move on.  

However, I argue...yes, I said I argue...with atheists and even worse, God-MOCKERS, all the time.  Remember in Acts that Paul taught in the synagogues and got into some pretty heated arguments with the Pharisees.  We can be angry, just not sin and telling someone the truth is not sinning.  Even Jesus Christ got angry and called the Pharisees vipers and snakes; He even said they worship their father the devil!  Is that nice and pretty?  Jesus offended everybody just by being born.  We are pretty much thought of as the religious "prudes" who keep SOME semblance of morality in the world.  They want us gone so they can do what they want without a "Christian" calling them on their SINS.  I refuse to be PC and water it down by saying "wrong doings" or "you have a good heart, you just need to stop cheating on your spouse" and that nonsense.  The world has made the word "sin" sound so harmless

and fun (especially when it isn't sinful).  I saw a commercial about chocolate candy and I've had it, I think, and if eating chocolate was a sin, this chocolate would be in that category.  It is wonderful.  They call it "SINFULLY delicious."  Bars, Las Vegas, and other businesses are known as "sin ___; sin city; or sin to win" at a casino.  No wonder no one knows (or seems to care) what real sin is.  They don't remember we have a list of 10 that gives us a very good guideline to go by when you want to know if something is a sin or not.

So, whenever I encounter one of those, the one question I hear by almost every single unbeliever I encounter and that is this:

Why would a LOVING GOD send me (or so and so) to hell?  I am (or they were) very good people and while they may not have believed in God or went to church, I just don't believe that God is loving and no, I will not submit to such a ____ God."

First of all, not one of us is "good."  We are filthy and worthless wretches before a Holy God.  I could devote my entire life and ever dime I have to the needy, I can build houses for the homeless, I can "do" good things all the time but in my heart, unless I've given it to God, is full of hate, murder, lust, coveting, cheating, blasphemy, but most importantly, I am committing the unforgivable sin and unless I change my heart and repent, when I die I have completely committed it.  I have rejected the free gift of salvation by NOT believing in His Only Son, Christ Jesus, who died, was buried and rose again; ascended into Heaven where He is today and gave us the Comforter, best known as the FREE GIFT OF GOD AT SALVATION...the Holy Spirit.  Once you draw that last breath and rejected Him for the final time, there is no second chances no matter what the Roman Catholic Papacy tells you.  You cannot buy "indulgences" to pay a loved one's way out of a nonexistent place called purgatory.  Heaven or hell, it's one or the other.

Second, who told you that God sends anybody to Hell?  John 3:16-17 says "For God SO LOVED THE WORLD that He gave His only begotten Son so that WHOSOEVER shall call upon His name should NOT perish but have everlasting life.  (17) For God sent His Son into the world NOT to condemn the world but that world, THROUGH HIM, might be saved."

Jesus Christ is God made flesh (John 1:1).  He was not created and He is not an angel.  He created all things.  Jesus is the WORD of God.  In John 1:14 (I hope that's the right verse) John tells us that The Word (Jesus) was made flesh and dwelt among us (humans) and we beheld His glory.  He is the God to the Jews, Gentiles, Greeks, Blacks, Whites, Buddhists, Muslims and every single person ever born.  There is no rituals, ceremonies, prayers, or words/deeds that can save or aid in your salvation.  

Acts 8:37 says "....and you believe with all your heart, mind, soul and strength that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, then thou mayest."  Philip is talking to the Ethiopian man about baptism as he had converted at some point to Judaism and believed in the only one and true Living God.  If your Bible does not have Acts 8:37 and is combined like Acts 8:36-38 or 39 and does NOT specifically say JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, you are reading a false Bible.  Unbelievers said that just by reading it that they were unwillingly confessing Jesus as the Messiah.  So, they rewrote and watered down the Word of God to please man. Itching ears and we love telling them what they want to hear cos we love all that money and fame, celebrity, status and all that STUFF we own.  It doesn't matter you're sending them to hell, you just want a mega church and tons of evil money.  That's because their "god" IS money.  As you will read below, I didn't quote the verse verbatim but close enough...

So, in answer to their question about God sending "good" people to hell, the fact is nowhere in the Bible does it even hint that God sends anyone to hell.  In fact, He has done everything possible, making salvation so simple so that no one ever has to go there.  God doesn't send you or anyone else to hell, you send yourself.  God gave you free will and He will never inflict Himself on you.  I don't think He wanted robots.  He wants us to want Him.  

The choice is entirely yours on your final destination, folks.  I've told you the Good News many times and I'm either preaching to the choir or nobody is hearing it because they have chosen to be deaf, dumb and blind.  Oh, and not killing, stealing, lying, cheating, etc. (the moral laws) are "bad" in what way?  Would you kill your husband or wife the next time they said something you didn't like if it was legal?  Why not?  Because you KNOW it's wrong.  Feel guilty when you lie?  If not, it sure is hard to remember what you said and to who so either you're gonna get caught in the lie (which means you lose your trustworthy and honest reputation cos you're known as a liar now) but if you tell the truth, nothing bad happens.  Sure, you may have a fight with your spouse or whoever but it'll blow over.  Lie to them, you'll lose their respect and possibly the relationship.  Cheat on your spouse and you'll lose them and any children you have.  They are good laws and man didn't come up with them because it would not be to their benefit.  Sin if far more fun to most than living a clean, healthy lifestyle.

Also, let's get real about what sin is.  Watching a movie, TV show, playing pool or a game of cards isn't a sin.  Even drinking a beer or cocktail is not a sin but getting drunk is. We have freedom and liberty in Christ and as Paul said, all things are lawful but not all things are profitable.  Reading a fictional book may not help you Spiritually but it's not a sin either.   We are allowed to have fun.  Secular doesn't mean sin.  

Choose to hear the Good News and believe in Christ Jesus.  You won't have to change a thing but don't be real surprised when you find you don't enjoy strip clubs, partying, doing drugs, etc. just isn't fun nor was it ever.  The Cross saves and the way is found in the Word.   

Ye are saved by grace alone; through faith alone; through Christ alone

Not works nor deeds lest anybody should boast
Ephesians 2:8-9

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