Sunday, December 24, 2017


Before we get started on our own Christmas tradition of telling the story of the birth of Christ, opening the gifts my dear sister sent and then just spending time together, maybe watch a movie on PureFlix or take a walk, I want to tell you how much I love you guys and pray you have a save, happy and blessed Christmas on up through the Year 2018....and beyond!   

I also must say that God willing, next year I am staying away from the "should we or shouldn't we" celebrate Christmas.  What is going on in our churches today (the physical ones, not the True Church or Body of Christ)?  All I see is fighting over this or that like at what point will the rapture occur or will there even be a rapture?  Well, I think the Apostle Paul is extremely clear that we will be raptured but if that word "offends" you, then the being caught up together in the air to forever be with the Lord is clear in 1st Thessalonians.   Also, we are NOT appointed to wrath so you can believe (or hope) in a pre-, mid-, post-tribulation rapture or at the 2nd Advent but you can be sure you will not go through His wrath IF you are truly saved OR endure the tribulation to the end.  Be there a rapture, it could be tonight so if you're not saved or are unsure and have unrepented sin in your life, I'd settle that matter now.  I'd also let that be a motivator to spread the Gospel to everybody without fear and even if you are mocked, laughed at, etc.  Jesus tells us we'll be hated by the world but remember, it hated Him first.  We are to REJOICE at being found worthy to be persecuted for His Name's Sake. Why should we rejoice at being mocked and maybe even physically assaulted? I've thought about this and prayed about it (or at least I've talked with Him about it) and I think it's because when we are persecuted for His Name, that's proof we are doing what He commanded us to do.  We're going our job well.  We aren't compromising His Word, watering down the Gospel and worrying more about their "feelings" than their salvation. 

I hate to break it to you but that saying "Love doesn't hurt" is not 100% accurate.  It doesn't hurt you physically as we are not punching bags and domestic violence is a sin, be it the husband or wife (or boy- girl-friend).  However, love doesn't lie either and sometimes the truth hurts.  Why do we tell the people we love the truth?  To help them learn, grow, change bad behavior or how they dress and/or act in public, but mostly to have a relationship based on trust.  The main reason we tell them the Bible Gospel TRUTH is because we care desperately for them to come to salvation.  I'm not referring to those little white lies we all tell (and stop denying it right now) cos we all do it.  We don't want to hurt someone's feelings by telling them they look horrible in that outfit or haircut.  And also if you don't want to hear the truth, maybe you shouldn't ask the question either.  I don't advocate lies of any kind but we all do.  So instead of lying those little lies not to hurt, try complimenting them first big time, then carefully and loving tell them that maybe another color would look better or try adding a scarf or another accessory to it, then ending with another compliment but this one more about how that it doesn't matter, your inner beauty is going to outshine it anyway.  Even I wouldn't mind that.  Also men, when women ask you your opinion on how they look, they want a compliment, not necessarily the absolute truth.  Use your gray matter and find a way to compliment without lying.   You can find something good about anything.  Women, if you want the truth, ask your friend that you know will be honest even at the risk of hurting your feelings.  Oh, and stop putting so much emphasis on the outward and don't worry if you look good or not, it's your heart that counts.  If people laugh at you behind your back then it's their sin and absolutely no reflection on you.  Lying to hurt someone maliciously is an abomination and cruel.  

Back to the rapture, whatever POV you have is either right or wrong.  God is not going to change for you.  My best advice is to pray we are raptured but we best be ready for anything.  We may be in the end days, it sure feels like it most of the time, but we don't know.  However, no one is promised a tomorrow so lead people to Christ Jesus now without ceasing.  Pray like there's no tomorrow.  Most of all, be ready for what is coming, be it a pre-trib rapture or being prepared to go through the tribulation. Take peace in knowing it IS pre-wrath.  I am quite sure if there's no rapture and the Church is here, we'll have the power, spirit and gifts from Enoch to John and everyone else.  Some of us will die, some will lead, but we'll all have a very important role to do.  So whatever is coming, be ready.  I don't believe in second chances.

Last, stop fighting over Christmas, Easter and especially the age of the earth.  It doesn't matter!  We are not pagans.  Just like attending church does not a Christian make, celebrating holidays doesn't make you one or disqualify you as one.  We have liberty and freedom in Christ. I will end with this....

"All things are lawful to me but not all things are profitable."  The Apostle Paul

Don't carve trees into idols, don't worship them but if you really want to celebrate the birth of our savior, I suggest we think that every day may be His real birthday and treat others each day like we treat them during Christmas, with love, kindness, mercy and grace.  Feed the hungry 365 days instead of just on Christmas and Thanksgiving.  Give until it hurts and mercy and compassion are fruits of the Spirit.  All good trees give good fruit.  God bless!  Santa though, not sure we should go that route.  Just my POV though.

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