Tuesday, November 7, 2017


I admit, I struggle with this but IF we can, what would it take?  An unrepented sin?  If so, no one will make it.  What if we have doubts?  I dare say no true Christian hasn't had doubts.  Unbelief?  Then we never believed in the first place.  We had a false sense of salvation and you never produced any good fruits.  By the way, fruits don't mean deeds, repentence is fruits, as is patience, love, meekness, etc.  Fruits of the Spirit.  Many cannot go out and spread the Gospel due to physical or mental disorders.  If sin causes you to lose it, then how many times does Jesus Christ have to die to shed enough blood to cover all your sins?  What if you lie, steal or hate someone?  When is Christ Jesus's blood no longer able to cleanse you?  We should ask for forgiveness every day or every hour/minute but to ask to be saved after every sin, mistake or accident, that's Spiritual schizophrenia.  God is not the author of confusion but of peace.  If you have to worry about your salvation 24/7, is that freedom and liberty in Christ Jesus?  Is that peace and hope? No.  It's fear and worry, something that Jesus warns us not to do.  Give your life to Him and He and He alone is THE only author and finisher of our faith.  Also, why after living for Him would you EVER want  to serve satan or money? Time to accept that there's nothing you can do, not speak in tongues, get baptized or share the Gospel, attend every church service or read the Bible that will save you.  Christ did it all.  Ephesians 2:8-9!  God bless you.

How to be saved?

First Corinthians 15:1-11

Grace alone, through faith alone, through Christ alone!


  1. You can lose your salvation by rejecting God.
    Just because God knows the end form the beginning and He wants all to be saved does not mean one cannot lose your salvation.
    One can accept Christ's Salvation and Relationship and then reject God's blessing just like Esau.
    God's relationship is not to be taken for granted.
    If you take any relationship for granted you will lose it, even God's.

  2. My opinion (not doctrine) is that if you do that, you weren't truly saved to begin with. Read the parable of the seeds or sower, not sure what it's called. There's only ONE true way to be saved. Many are truly saved but circumstances cause them to stray but in my case, even when I didn't live for Him the way I should, I always felt Him in my life and knew in my heart I'd go home again. I never stopped truly believing in Him. Many are falsely saved but love sin more than God. That's not salvation. Some are never even falsely saved and then others like what they hear, want to want it but again, they'd rather do what they want. Read the story about the prodigal son. I never felt forsaken by God and now that I understand how the Holy Spirit works, I look back at my life and am so regretful and repentant that He gently led me back and I said, not yet. I thank Him for giving me just enough rope not to hang myself but to lead me back to him. That was one strong piece of thread. I finally got it together. Raise a child in the way it should go and he shall never depart from it...again, the Bible is truth. We all sin and fall short but He doesn't break His promise to us.

  3. Also, although I'm 95% convinced, I am NOT taking a chance on being wrong. I love my life as His child and nothing on earth can separate me again from Him. I love being His child and it is the most awesome way to live. He saved me, then saved my life and then gave me one worth living. Who in their right mind would ever again go their own way? I am not taking any chances on being wrong. This is too important to me. I don't believe in works salvation though. I WANT to live for Him forever but I do understand your position as I wasn't raised on that doctrine so...not willing to chance it. God bless and TY for commenting. Means a lot as I love honest, open and respectful disagreements. It's how we learn and why we need each other so bad.
