Wednesday, June 7, 2017


One reason I've hesitated (and still do) to go to a church building is because I don't support any church that knowingly lies to their flock, especially for financial gain.  Many know me and I've always told you the truth...we are NOT required to tithe and all pastors know it.  They teach this lie because they fear no one will give them money.  Well, the truth is, those who teach the truth about tithing gets approximately 22.2% of offerings but those who demand, guilt or lie to you get their 10% and rarely give offerings as they feel they've done what is required.  How many times have you heard people say that they're tired of how often the collection plate is passed around and demanding not only the 10% but now they want you to "offer" more money.  Makes us sound very cheap and like we don't want to help.  That is proven false.  Why would you support a church that the first thing you're told is a lie?  How can you then believe the other things they say?  If you obey 1 of the Levitical Laws, you're required to be under the entire law.  I'm very harsh on churches that outright lie.  I have a big problem with false prophets and teachers and the fact is, nowhere in the Word of God does is even mention going to a "church" building.  e are the true Church, the Body of Christ.  We believers are to gather together to build each other up, encourage, rebuke, correct, love and distribute any offerings to help the spreading of the Good News of Jesus Christ so we are fully prepared to go OUT into the world to spread the Gospel.  

How many have heard is for the saint and the sinner.  Where does it say that in the scripture?  Gathering together is for believers.  That's why our churches are filled to the brim with lukewarm or dead believers and these mega-churches are growing like wild fire.  Give me your money and you will get into Heaven.  Well, the Apostles said that we can't buy our way into Heaven and, I also think Jesus Christ said this too but I don't know where.  We can't buy, earn, or do anything to gain entry into the Kingdom of God.  We MUST enter through the narrow gate which is Jesus Christ.  He is all-inclusive to every man, woman and child.  I'm praying to start a small home church, just for believers to gather and fellowship.  I also think we can have a lot of fun and enjoy our lives in ways pleasing to God.  We can have a gathering at the beach, have a cook-out, play games after our meeting.  We are to enjoy our lives and always bring glory to Him.  Please get very grounded in His Word and out of deception.  Feel free to disagree all you want but my response to you is this...Jesus said the whole world is deceived.  Be open to the truth and seek it, live it and love it.  Most of all, learn to UNlearn the lies you've been taught.  Enjoy the video and really listen as he knows the Word but is not a pastor nor a false prophet.  I recommend you check out his many other videos and if you want, support his ministry. He asks for help but he doesn't lie to get it nor demand it.  

I am all for giving everything you can but you have to use discernment and if you're unsure, ask Him.  He'll lead you right but never give mega-churches your money or "sow seeds of money" because that is not a doctrine I have EVER heard of or read in the Bible.  I'd rather be poor than make my God and Savior displeased with me.  If you give $10 to a homeless person, do you think God doesn't count that?  "Be careful of how you treat strangers as you may be entertaining angels unawares."

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