Tuesday, June 20, 2017


As I have stated and as you have noticed, I haven't been posting a lot or being involved in my Google communities except once in awhile and to moderate.  There are 2 reasons why.  One, I don't have the time.  I'm dropping most of my communities that I never went to and didn't even know I was a member of and many had 20,000 (or close) members.  I'd rather have 10 communities (other than mine and the ones I'm a moderator on) where I do have the time to be involved than being on 200+ and not being able to enjoy any.  It defeats the purpose.  Now that doesn't mean that it will be an everyday thing NOR do I think I will or should be "missed."  I'm no one special but the whole purpose as I want it to be is genuine dialogue and fellowship, asking tough questions and even agreeing to disagree but love each other as we ARE one in Christ Jesus.  I see some I consider the head or heart of His Body, others I see as encouragers, or the knee (big part of our bodies), even if you're very new and consider yourself a toenail or pinkie toe, is that any less?  Not at all and it is the duty of those more mature in the Body to raise you up and guide you because there's room for many hearts and brains in this Church.  We all start out as babies.  It's high time we start realizing that no matter what part you are, if one member falls, it affects the whole body.   Have you ever had a broken toe?  Let me tell you, it affects your whole body.  It hurts and it causes you to have problems walking, working, a whole host of things.  Have you ever got a paper cut?  One of the most painful things known.  Fingers are full of nerves and if you lick an envelope and get one on your tongue, wow, now that's bad.  As I love humor, sometimes that makes it hard to talk and that's not always a "bad thing" in the Body of Christ, lol.  But you get the gist of what I'm saying.  I get new members but they don't ask questions.  I wish they would and even those who are fully grown (or so they think) in the Word as we all will or should strive to continue until death to grow in the Word and in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Second, in regards to my blog, I went for quantity rather than quality and because I was so badly Spiritually abused and deceived, I had it in my mind to expose every cult, false prophet and church I could find.  I am going to continue sharing the danger of getting involved in these churches and will always do my best to back it up with God's perfect Word.  However, as it will continue to be a part, it is not where I truly believe the Holy Spirit is leading me.  I've been praying and studying and feel I finally know what will honor my Jesus Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit.  

Now I will be sharing my Hebrew Word of the Day, once a week send out the links to J. Vernon McGee's sermons and series once a week so you can choose what YOU need to learn that day and I may share his sermons a few times a week but you know how much I truly believe this is a true man of God and that what he preached in regards to the Scriptures and what he said it was saying back in the 70s and 80s IS coming to pass today.  He doesn't preach by the headlines of the world today yet when you listen to him, it sounds like he is.  Also, what I especially love is other than one very obscure and meaningless link, he is never called a "false prophet" nor does he ever make claims of being a prophet.  You don't hear him say, "God told me _________."  I like that.  He's an old-fashioned preacher known as the "radio pastor" yet to my knowledge, he didn't make merchandise of us.  Now he did make his Through the Bible series into books, he also taught them for free.  The reason he wrote the books?  He knew he was nearing death so before it got too late, he did this for future generations.   You can get the entire series for at most (depending on where you buy it as online you can get it for around $30 to $50) which isn't unreasonable.  He had no idea that one day we'd have free access to it on the internet.  He didn't do it to make money but to spread the Gospel and teach the future generations what the Bible says.  It hasn't and will never change.  What was true then is still true today.  I highly recommend the series and sermons.  Old-fashioned?  Maybe but I thank YHWH for that.  WARNING...if you're looking to "feel good" or be entertained, not gonna happen.  He doesn't preach or teach to entertain you, thank you Jesus.  I don't like these "feel good" churches cos if you read the Bible, salvation and the Gospel to the unbelievers should never make you feel good about yourself.  That's true or Christians as well.  If you want a laser show and rock music or be entertained, go to a rock concert.  No church worth its salt should ever be there to entertain you, like Jesus is a feel-good, here's some suggestions but you're a good person, blah blah blah type of man.  He is the Holy God and He says we are not good.  So, they teach the wrong Gospel and the wrong Jesus Christ.  

So, here's what I plan to do with my blog.  I will share laughter as I feel it's healing and we are to enjoy every good gift God has given us.  If you're the playful type, He loves playing with His children.  To me, the book of Jonah is not only a great book but it's also one you can laugh with.  Poor Jonah.  He tried his best but you can't outrun God and so when he finally gave in and obeyed God, I bet he was very shocked and probably scared, smelled like fish and was embarrassed and mad at Ninevah for persecuting the Jews.  So enjoy His Holy Word.  I love it when the Apostles say things to unbelievers and yes, I laugh ad say way to go!  I'll also be sharing recipes or maybe pictures of His beautiful and amazing world.  I'll even share some awesome animal videos that aren't specifically Christian but to show the wonder and awesomeness of His creations.  I'll share recipes, jokes, parenting tips and even faith-based movies as I see them.  But, the number one reason is to spread the Gospel of Salvation by grace through faith according to Jesus Christ...the finishing work He did for us on the Cross.  Works are good but have nothing to do with salvation.  I want to use any RIGHT and GOOD posts to draw people in to hear the Gospel.  I will do anything Biblical to accomplish this.  If it takes a clean joke for an unbeliever to come to my blog and read the Gospel, I will but it will never be a seeker sensitive blog.  It will also be to encourage, support, correct, and build the Body of Christ.  Give me about a week to get enough resources to share each day (I have some already) but when I do restart it fully, other than Thursdays and Sundays, it will be an every single day work.  Of course that's the goal but emergencies and life don't always allow it.  

Be patient for a few day and when I have it fully figured out and start posting much each day, I pray you find it worthy to share.  Our blogs and websites need to go out INTO the world.  It must be done correctly.  I welcome any correction.  Be kind to each other and full of grace.

God Bless, Much Love (Love MUCH) in Christ Jesus and be led by the Holy Spirit.


First Corinthians 15:1-11
John 3:16-17
Ephesians 2:8-9
Acts 8:37
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John


Every single book in the Canon!

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