Sunday, April 23, 2017


We are all called to a purpose for Kingdom work.  Are you blessed to know yours?  Or are you like me and not sure.  Some days I feel it's for this reason, other days another.  However, I do feel like I should start a home church OR get involved in one.  I've decided to step out in faith and let the Holy Spirit take over.  I have a park 2 blocks from my home and as soon as possible, I plan to get as many Bibles and other credible (and 100% free) reading material based on sound doctrine and just go spread a blanket, have some tea or other drinks and maybe snacks and see who God sends to me.  It's His call, not mine.  I also plan (and this is a HUGE leap of faith) to design a necklace of an empty tomb.  Not to sell but to open up a dialogue with others on what it is.  We're supposed to go OUT into the world, not invite them in.  The wolves will be the ones who enter.  We cannot be a pure church if we compromise the Word of God to tickle the ears and give false hope of salvation for gain.  We are officially wolves in sheep's clothing and turning in our houses of worship into dens of thieves.  Whatever happened to freely given, freely give?  

Where are our food banks, community outreach programs, at risk youth groups and helping the needy pay their bills?  Ever notice in First Corinthians 13 that the word for LOVE is CHARITY?  Where did that go?  I've talked to so many people who've been to countless churches and get 2 bags of food that MUST last for 3-6 months for families of 6.  I see junk food and stuff even pigs would turn down.  We go home and have dinner, throw away enough to feed one of those families for 2-3 days and it's the best food.  Yet we feel so good by giving someone a box of macaroni and cheese but not the butter or milk required to make it.  You buy $500 dresses and find the rattiest, most used items of clothing to give to the poor.  We give them make-up and they can't eat.  Starve but be beautiful?  

BTW, you self-righteous, judgmental and holier than thou "givers" who carry water and a thing of cookies to give to the poor instead of your precious dollars.  Don't tell me it's not because you "know" they'll buy drugs or alcohol with your money.  I gotta secret...they need to eat too.  Every dime helps. Besides, since when are you held responsible for what they do with their money.  Once given, it's theirs and you have no right to tell them what to do with it.  It's insulting to them.  I knew a family whose husband had to beg cos he couldn't get a job.  Not a druggie or drunk, a man trying to buy food.  

I'm going to risk it all.  Any extra money, my hatred of begging to get people to donate, design a piece of jewelry and then any $$$ somone freely gives me, will go back into the ministry and I'm donating one year of my time unless God tells me more.  My ultimate prayer is to have an oceanside service at least 2 x month.  Please pray.  It won't happen overnight but I am preparing.  Is this my calling?  If the Spirit is willing but if not, He'll show me the way.  Of that, I can take it to the bank!  STEP OUT IN FAITH AND RISK IT ALL!

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