Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Next time a "man of science" tells you that there is no God, tell him this, Only fools do not believe in God.  Atheism is, in its own weird way, as much a "religion" as any other.  It is faith-based.  It's the firm, undeniable belief that MAN is the one with TRUTH.  Well, how many theories have come and gone through the years?  Hundreds?  Thousands?  Who knows but in 10 to 20 years, today's facts will become yesterday's failures.  Chemotherapy is one example.  Darwin said we came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?  Why aren't we still evolving?  IF we were to make it another 100 years, this century would go down in history as THE most barbaric that ever lived.  We'd make gladiators look like zoo keepers.  How many unborn babies have we killed in the U.S.?  How many died in the nuclear bombing in Japan?  Was that militarily justified?  That I don't know.  I don't care who this makes mad but I think what we did was wrong but I won't debate anyone on this.  They're my feelings and will never change.  They are mine to have.  Very glad I didn't have to make that choice as I don't play war games (except I do love Risk cos I always win.  I buy and build up in Australia.  Very conservative player and at the end, I annihilate the world, hehehe.

We have very effective killing machines.  We give billions of dollars to companies to make killing other living, breathing humans easier and safer for us, that is.  For some, it's no different than playing a video games.  They do the carnage but never see the wreckage.  It's easy not to feel anything about what you did unless you come face-to-face with it.  All of these things are invented by technology which came from what?  SCIENCE.  Guess who started the whole idea on on what "theories" science is based on today.  Christians.  We, out of Islam, Judaism and Christianity are the only ones who are based on an ideology and not the law.  IF we did the 2 greatest commandments, love God/love others, we would live in a world where guns, abortion, war, famine, hunger, etc. would be unthinkable.  They would never be needed.  Just think about it.  Isn't that a God of LOVE?

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