Monday, April 17, 2017


Just a tip for new believers or even people like me, life-long believers but not really able to understand God's Word.  Learn as much as possible about Judaism.  Understand their wedding ceremony, that's vital.  Learn the language or have an understanding of it.  It brings the New Testament into this bright light, almost like someone literally turned on a light.  However, some are very basic and easy but, as Justin Peters said, I too believe that every verse has one literal meaning but many applications.  There's a few that mean what it says, says what it means and to twist it will spread a wrong Gospel message or different Christ Jesus and you better not mess that up.  John 3:16 means exactly what it says and if Jesus meant anything else, He would have made it crystal clear.  First Corinthians 15:1-11 is God's plan of Salvation.  If anyone tells you different, let him be accursed.  That's strong words there. You don't add to or take away from it. You've been warned.  Good works, baptism, etc. are all fruits of salvation but NOT salvation. You cannot do a thing to earn, buy or bargain with God to get into His Kingdom.  Jesus Christ paid your sin debt.  He is the way, the truth and the life.  No man comes to the father EXCEPT through Him.  I think this video is an awesome Gospel message.  Crystal clear.  There's many more videos on Hebrew words and how to understand them.  It's amazing at what we are going to learn so this is going to be a daily part of my blog except on weekends.  I may take Sat/Sun off or I may not.  It will depend on my plans with my family.  I just need 2 days where I get to worship, play, love, read and learn AND relax and do things I enjoy.  But....studying God's Word is so joyful to me, I feel like I'm not enjoying my day if I don't.  It's great when living in His world rather than this one is so freeing.  I'm grateful I don't see "church" as a burden or a "must" now.  It's my joy.  I pray it's yours too.  Remember though, you can bring honor and praise to God in every single thing you do, especially the mundane.


If this blesses you or helps you in sharing the Gospel, please share it.  Freely given, freely give.  God bless and much love in Christ Jesus

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